fucked up...

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You awoke to seeing levis tired looking face staring at you from the door.
He looked different to you today, as he held a cup in his hand and stared directly at you instead of near you.
You rubbed your eyes and realized you fell asleep on the couch. Levi downed a cup of coffee and growled at you.
"Forget to tell me something?" He asked. You looked confused for a moment remembering how he acted last night. Everything, including the kiss and the way he touched you...
You could tell he was hung over. His eyes were tired and he looked exhausted.

"N-no... levi... are you ok?" You asked and he rolled his eyes.
"No. How did we get home by the way." He asked and you looked away.

So he doesn't remember...
You thought as he shook his head.
"Never mind I have to go. Have fun with eren." He snapped before bolting out the door with his brief case.
"Wait how did you-" you began before eren came out of the bathroom closing the door behind him.
A wave of relief washed over you as you ran to your friend.
"Eren! I'm so glad you're back!" You screamed and he laughed hugging you.
"Me too! I was so worried he would hurt you!" He hugged you tightly.
You felt safe for once.

You wanted to tell him everything. But he had other plans.
"Let's go out today! You look like you need to vent. There's a park near by-" he began and you nodded.
"Let's go...."

"So the two of you made out..?" He asked in a disgusted tone. You nodded and looked Down at your shoes as the children playing on the play ground nearby yelled.
The sky was a gray color, reflecting your mood perfectly as eren and you walked around the park.

"He was drunk.. but he said things that made me almost feel like I could..." you began and he covered your mouth stopping you.
"Please don't say what I think you're going to say... he's a terrible person y/n. He treats you like garbage, not to mention you didn't even want this..." he ranted and you nodded.

"I know but Levi and I have talked alot lately and... i dunno what I'm feeling." You spoke as gently as you could remembering erens feelings for you and he clenched his fists and turned away.
"This isn't right y/n..." was all be could say.
You felt drained suddenly as he spoke, lecturing you.

You closed your eyes and waited for him to stop.
"Eren..." you began and he closed his mouth. You started walking again and he followed.
"... I can't keep pretending I have a say so in this. I need to accept it..." you whispered. He scoffed looking towards the pond where the ducks were quacking at a couple feeding them bread.

"When you called me here... I was hoping it would be for you to tell me you wanted to run away with me... after mikasa told you about the ackermans.. and the way he treats you I thought-"

"That I would abandon my family over something that pry can't happen eren?" You snapped and he gave a sigh.
"I'm sorry... that..." you began amd he waved it off as the two of you continued walking.

"You know we're just worried about you y/n..." he whispered and you nodded looking up at the sky. The clouds darkened as if to darken your mood even more.
The wind pushing leaves by your feet as you moved.

"Do you remember when we were kids y/n..." eren began interrupting the silence between you two as you approached a bench.
"What about it?" You asked and he smiled.
"We promised eachother we would always be friends... no matter what..." he finished and you looked back down to your feet once again. The ducks still quacking in the distance.

"I remember..."

You rembered how it was storming and the two of you were out playing, once the rain got so bad the two of you had run under a big oak tree and laughed off the cold.
When the two of you calmed down eren took your hand and smiled at you. And the two of you swore to always be friends no matter what, and that's when you had began crushing on eren.

As the two of you grew up you were sure you were going to date and marry him... but he never asked you to date him. You used to wonder why and cry all the time about it, before one day you gave up.
You never thought you would love anyone else...

Eren smiled and took your hand.
"Y/n..." he spoke softly as if not to scare a child. His eyes fill of the same emotion Levi had for you last night.

Your stomach knotted up again and you swallowed hard as he pulled you close to him.
"Eren no..." you tried to pull away but he leaned in and pressed his lips against yours.
This is what you dreamt of when you were little... but.. weren't you supposed to feel something?

Your mind reflected to levis kiss. You stared into erens green eyes as he kissed you, closing his. You pulled away at that point and looked Down.
"Eren i-" you began about to explain gently that you didn't feel anything for him anymore.... when,

"That's a nice picture. It's going to look amazing in the front cover dont you think?" A gruff voice cackled from behind you. Your stomach tensed and you felt like throwing up as you turned around and were met with a man aiming a camera at you.

A reporter....

"Wait no!" You shouted as he laughed.
"This will be great! The hottest man in the world gets cheated on in the park by his beloved fiance! Thanks!" The man laughed running off.
You felt the adrenaline rise in your body as you felt the sudden urge to chase him.

Levis reputation...

"Y/n dont chase him!" Eren demanded grabbing your shoulder.
You turned around and slapped him across his face as your eyes filled with tears, thinking about how this will affect your family, and levis reputation.

"Eren you idiot! I TOLD YOU I didn't love you anymore! Why did you kiss me?? Why?" You screamed drawing the attention of that couple from before.
Eren opened his mouth to protest as the spot where you slapped him turned bright red.
" i..." he began and you held your hand up in aggravation.
"No. Nothing you can say will fix this! You've ruined my life eren!" You sobbed running away from him and towards the street, not sure where you were running to. Eventually you saw the limo and Patrick, near one of the stores.

He noticed you and gave you a smile as you ran straight for him throwing your arms around him and hugging him tightly. His smile turned into a look of concern as you sobbed into him.

"Miss y/n?" He asked concerned a.d hugged you back.
You didn't move, and continued sobbing. He patted your back and held you tighter, it was like being hugged by your dad when you have a nightmare.

"I fucked up Patrick..." you finally sobbed and he gasped.

"I fucked up bad."

Arranged Love  (Aot  Levi x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora