
Chapter 7 of "The Loyal Three" will be edited very soon. ❤️


I'm almost halfway done with my edits for chapter 6, for "The Loyal Three." 
          (I hope I'm doing the 3rd point of view correctly, if there's a good website for writing third point of view, please let me know, I believe I'm struggling at some parts that don't look right).


Today I'm editing chapter 6 of "The Loyal Three."


@rosedthorn Thank you, my love❤️ I hope you are doing well ❤️ 


@stellaraewrites good luck my love!! i’m sure it’s an amazing chapter <3


Hello my fellow writers/readers, 
          How are you? 
          I miss each and every one of you.
          I know some of you are waiting until I complete my book: "The Loyal Three" I'm working on it, I'm just taking a break from it. I'll be writing soon enough. 
          I apologize. I'm almost halfway done with chapter 13. I've been editing the previous chapters; hence why I'm not finished with chapter 13. Edits for chapters 1 - 5 are finished. Edits for chapters 6 -12 need to be done.
          "The Loyal Three" will be published when I'm finished with the all 30 chapters. 
          Yes, I'm almost halfway finished with the book and can't wait to share!
          17 more chapters left! 
          Please enjoy some of my books on my reading lists while waiting, also please let me know which books from my reading lists you're reading! 
          Happy Reading! 
          ~Stella Rae ❤️


Hello, and welcome to Wattpad! ☺️
          Thank you so much for adding  “Mind the Gap” to your reading list! 
          I hope you will enjoy Evan and Iris' adventures ☺️! You will love the book if you are a fan of slow burn peculiar romance in an unusual train setting! 
          If you liked the book, please consider voting on all the chapters by clicking on that little star ⭐️ in the end of each of the 37 chapters!
          Votes help us gain more ranking and visibility, so more Wattpad readers will be able to find our book <3 
          It would also mean a lot to us if you recommended the book to your friends!


          Wattpad is removing the direct messaging on May 6th. Existing conversations will be removed. You'll still be able to receive messages from wattpad affiliated accounts. 
          From my understanding, you'll still be able to contact your fellow wattpad users by messaging them on their story comments or on the message boards? 
          I'm also not so happy about this either. 
          ~Stella Rae 


Hey everyone!!! 
          I hope life is treating you well. 
          I know it's been a long time since I posted and added anything on my bookstagram. Life's been very hectic these past few months 
          Nevertheless, I've been dipping my fingers in writing again, and I'm very pleased to tell you that I'll be active here!!!
          I'm very excited to share my stories/thoughts with you, and I hope you'll be able to support me throughout my writing journey once again!  
          Eid Mubarak to all those who celebrate it! 
          Much love,
          ~Stella Rae


Hahahaha hey my friend. I love your shelf names ❤️ 


@jordanmwrites || of course and likewise! ❤️


@stellaraewrites thank you! I’m glad you’re doing good also ❤️


@jordanmwrites || 
            So exciting!! I'm so happy you're doing well, my friend! ❤️ 