
@zoomout absolutely!


Fourth try at this. 
               Look, I know I've lost myself. I know I've been messing up, I know I'm STILL messing up. I know I need to stop. I promise you, I'm not trying to mess up. I want everything BUT to mess up. I keep asking myself "Why am I doing this to myself?" I'm losing my mind, and I'm afraid I've already lost myself. I don't even know who I am anymore. I keep making the wrong decisions, I keep letting my anger win, I'm drowning in my fears and I'm suffocating in my tears. 
               The more I try? The less it works. Nothing's going right, and everything is all messed up. I don't know how I got this way. I want to get better. I want to feel better. Feel alright. Feel okay. 
               I don't really have an excuse for not talking to you, and I never will. I understand if you don't talk to me for a few weeks/days/months; that's what I did to you. I'm sorry. I should've realized. 
               I'm sorry. I love you more than I could ever put into words. You're my bestfriend. No, no you're not. You're my sister. I love you, and I always will. 


This is my third try at an apology letter. The first time it had 'bad' language, and the second time wattpad was just being rude. "It is flagged as offensive and blah blah blah."
               I know I've messed up, I know I'm messing up, and I know I should stop. I promise you, I'm not trying to mess up. I just keep making the wrong decisions... I also keep letting my anger get the best of me. 
               I don't know how it came to this. I think about you all the time. And I don't have an excuse for not talking to you, and I'm sorry. I know I don't really deserve you to talk to me right now, or ever, but I really wish you would. 
               It's never easy, not talking to you. It's like trying to move a mountain, or trying to spin the world the other way. And I hate to think of you being perfectly fine without me, because idek. I need you, and you don't need me.
               And I know you want me to move on and stop talking to Andrew. I know this. I know this. I know this. But I'm never going to. He's my guy bestfriend. He's been there through everything, just like you. And I KNOW he hurt me. Trust me. I know. I know better than you do, because I actually had to go through the pain.
                And I'm sorry that I hurt you. I never, ever want to hurt you. And I know sorry doesn't mean shit; you have to prove you're sorry; words are just empty air.. You're the bestfriend I could've ever asked for. 
          I love you more than you could ever know. More than words can describe. You're my bestfriend. I need you.