
Ugly! Ugly! Ugly place, ugly hearts!
          	The way people are behaving, the hate they are holding is just too ugly and horrifying. We were all taught lies of envolving into a civilized  class because so many of us are still barbarics. 
          	You comment 'pallywood' under videos of bleeding children? You kill and then play victims because the greed for land and power means more to you than human lives? This is the kind of person you wanna be? Disgusting!
          	We were all taught to hate each other. In fact, the common people were taught lies so the rich and powerful could easily loot the lower class. Because if you did see Palestine as humans, if you did have a heart, you would not be supporting a genocide, you won't be making it easier for colonizers to steal lands.
          	We, civilians, have always been controlled and divided. Many are brought by money, brainwashed or controlled by fear. We are taught to hate each other, so that it is easy to pull our strings in wanted directions.
          	Newsflash; I care about Palestine, as I would care about any nation facing a genocide. This is basic empathy. How could one hold so much hate in their heart that they are able to justify the death of babies? Is this the new norm? Have our hearts turned that ugly? Has greed for money, land and power won? Do we hate each other so much that we literally dehumanized the existence of so many?
          	Please say no...please fight against the propaganda set by the rich to keep us busy fighting among ourselves. Please stand up fot humanity, fight the bias and stand up for Palestine, Sudan, any other nation that has animals acting as their oppressors.
          	Free Palestine! Kudos to the warrior hearts of Palestinian children, women, men...


@StrangeOutcast I am shedding tears whenever I think about Palestine, I pray everday for them. Inshallah they will get justice and peace. 


@StrangeOutcast free Palestine from the river to the sea, it's saddening that people have lost empathy for their fellow human beings, really is


I was reading your written The Politician's Wife but suddenly it got disappeared and not opening anymore , have you deleted it? I was really liking the plot please post it again pleaseeeee.


@StrangeOutcast Thank you author it is again available.


@Tiatripathi55 hey, yes, of course, do check again. Thank you


@Tiatripathi55 sorry it's The Politician's Girl


Ugly! Ugly! Ugly place, ugly hearts!
          The way people are behaving, the hate they are holding is just too ugly and horrifying. We were all taught lies of envolving into a civilized  class because so many of us are still barbarics. 
          You comment 'pallywood' under videos of bleeding children? You kill and then play victims because the greed for land and power means more to you than human lives? This is the kind of person you wanna be? Disgusting!
          We were all taught to hate each other. In fact, the common people were taught lies so the rich and powerful could easily loot the lower class. Because if you did see Palestine as humans, if you did have a heart, you would not be supporting a genocide, you won't be making it easier for colonizers to steal lands.
          We, civilians, have always been controlled and divided. Many are brought by money, brainwashed or controlled by fear. We are taught to hate each other, so that it is easy to pull our strings in wanted directions.
          Newsflash; I care about Palestine, as I would care about any nation facing a genocide. This is basic empathy. How could one hold so much hate in their heart that they are able to justify the death of babies? Is this the new norm? Have our hearts turned that ugly? Has greed for money, land and power won? Do we hate each other so much that we literally dehumanized the existence of so many?
          Please say no...please fight against the propaganda set by the rich to keep us busy fighting among ourselves. Please stand up fot humanity, fight the bias and stand up for Palestine, Sudan, any other nation that has animals acting as their oppressors.
          Free Palestine! Kudos to the warrior hearts of Palestinian children, women, men...


@StrangeOutcast I am shedding tears whenever I think about Palestine, I pray everday for them. Inshallah they will get justice and peace. 


@StrangeOutcast free Palestine from the river to the sea, it's saddening that people have lost empathy for their fellow human beings, really is


Hello! I have read your book, His Ignored Wife. I was wondering maybe could you do an alternate ending where Maya doesn't go back to Demir?


@lazygranger713 aww yes, of course. Still working on the latest chap of Forgiving a Killer. Will update it as soon as possible.


@lazygranger713 did you delete 'betray me softly'?


@lazygranger713 Yes of course! Whenever you feel like it. By the way I read your other book, 'Forgiving a killer' It's sad, but good, are you continuing it? Please continue it!  


Something has changed! The old dynamics have changed! The world we once knew has forever changed. Why? Because innocent people are getting murdered, children are begging for mercy, and so many are justifying it.
          Palestine is an age old story that has revealed just how much hate a human can hold against another! Palestinian people are dreamers, warriors, dignified and brave souls. They deserve to live freely, on their lands.  They have gold hearts, and these gems should be heard; their tears should be heard.
          I cannot believe I have to repeatedly say this but there is noooo excusee for killing babies, no excuse for killing, injuring  families..
          "But, but-" No! You don't hurt children! You don't injure children! If you are stating some excuse, then it just means this isn't about anything but the hate in your heart that refuses to see Palestinian people as equals, that is so arrogant and cold that it has lost all bits of humanity.
          Please...don't let humanity fall this low! Please understand, we are all humans, equals...
          Fight the agendas and accept that peace is the only option. There is no point in holding hate...there is no point in trying to preserve an atmosphere where babies are trapped under rubbles and waiting for their tears to be heard!
          Free Palestine!


Hi loved your work,  any plans for chasing his rose season 2? Loved it 


@lavanyaadurthi aww thank u so much for loving my work. Maybe in future, if I get any inspiration for it, right now, sorta done with it.


I think of Palestine, and my heart keeps on breaking. I think the world has been changed forever. We used to talk about barbarism happening in the past and believed that so much had changed now. But no, the world did nothing as children bled and starved to death, as families got vaporized...all those heavy slogans about humanity, rights...meant nothing when the world decided to allow children to cry for mercy, beg for their lives and grow up way too quickly. I never knew that behind so much pretense for a deep hatred brewing in so many hearts and it struck out in a manner in which even the brutality against babies wasn't movable enough. The world has committed a grave crime. Silence has committed a great crime. 
          The people of Palestine...
          However, it is still not to late. Let's stand united today. As humans, as equals, let's become the voice, the words and the strength of Palestinian people. For once, let's get rid of racism, cruelty, the dehumanization of people and work together to make the world a better place.
          The resilience, love patience, forgiveness and strength of the Palestinian people has proved that love is the ultimate answer. They offered their arms to other believing in warmth and love. Israeli tyrants decided to pay that generosity with dark arrogance. Let's prove them wrong. Let's prove every tyrant, hate-mongrel, oppressor and racist wrong by becoming the voice of the vulnerable, the strength of the oppressed.
          Today, let's stand together and say we will never allow such criminal injustice, and such genocide to occur again. We will ever allow another human being to be treated unfairly, cruely, to be wronged so barbarically...
          We will never allow our bias to stop us from doing what is right.
          Free Palestine! 
          Become the voice the babies, children who are roaming alone on those streets, lost, hungry, hurt, homeless, orphaned, and never knowing what it was like to  live as free human beings!


@StrangeOutcast i've been follow this genocide since oct 7th and am sure we all not gonna be ourselves to.the hipocracy of western politicians and media.the racism,islamphobic growth.then some jew make it like they are the victims when its been goin on for 76 years.even before oct 7th many people are killed in west just never make it to news or socialedia.palestine has suffered and endured this so long.yesterday alone settlers has burned hiuses and vehicles more than 40.its sickening how they can act like tyranny ,a genocidal maniacs without any law and human right nit exist when it comes to palestinians.


@StrangeOutcast I support you people are cowardly and selfish now, and this way, the world would very soon become an empty hollow with no future. 