
Which character do you think would burn down the world for his soulmate?


@RyleyKalem  Tora for Casper / Casper for Tora


Which character do you think would burn down the world for his soulmate?


@RyleyKalem  Tora for Casper / Casper for Tora


Hey (⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠)
          I'm happy that you're doing ok and helping others get the justice that the justice system wouldn't give them. I wish you all the best on your journey and hope that one day you can finally find peace within you from whatever atrocities you must've faced. I'm sorry about the way supposed Children of God or Allah treated you and I'm sure those are just extremists trying to push the narrative of a God that probably doesn't even support that. I hope you're happy wherever you are and I'll always pray for your speedy recovery. 
          I wanted to ask something tho.....are you ever going to write Beta's Slave? ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ


@RyleyKalem I'm so happy to know you're doing okay. Mind you I was really worried so I'm glad to hear from you. Take as much time as you need and whether it's your new or old self, Any one is very much welcome when you decide to write this novel. I hope you're doing okay . Best of luck B⁠-⁠)
            Regards ✨


@i-hate-sappy-stuff  I do not know. I wish I was the author I was before my trauma. I grieve for that young man every single day. However, I have changed permanently as my view of the world has darkened and shifted similarly. The writer I was before has been murdered and the author I will grow to be in the future is still celestially waiting to be reincarnated. I do not know if I can jump back into a series passionately written by a dead version of myself. If feels as though I would be ghost writing for him instead of authentic giving myself as I always have. 
            Fear not though, I will never leave my Grayson family.
            -Sincerly R.K.X.H


Most Asked Questions! 
          1. Where are you? Why have you not posted? 
          -Preparing for law school! As a survivor of sexual assault I currently volunteer as a victim advocate. After over 1,000 volunteer hours in less than a year I received a medal from president Biden for doing so. I'm going to law school to be an attorney for Special Victims of domestic violence. 
          2. Links to Amazon for The Secret Between US and Patreon? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C47JCVDS
          3. Where's Crimson Moon and Forester Soul and Silent Storm? 
          When I have time between creative projects and school, I write Crimson Moon on Patreon. Forester soul was a killed project after it didn't get a lot of reception and I needed to start writing Crimson Summer. Silent Storm was renamed Animals! 
          4. Where else can I find you?
          -for some of my life and baking you can find me on Tiktok @Ryleykalem. 
          -I'm also Co-Hosting a podcast about a religious cult I was raised in for 18 years called Trauma and Tribulation coming out on spotify and Apple in April. 
          -for more reads you can check my Patreon which has a lot of bonus content for all books to sift through. 
          5. What is the order of the books? 
          -I've said this once and I'll say it again, there is no one way to read all of these books. The only order is when it comes to series which is posted in the bio of the book
          6. Where did you come up with this universe?
          I've been writing this universe since I was in 7th grade so eleven or twelve as a bedtime story to my little brother and just never stopped. 
          7.  Favorite Characters? 
          1. Pierce (Forever My Baby) 
          2. FINLEY!! 
          3. Tora
          4. Mika
          5. Jamie
          6. Ashley
          8. One book you wish you could write if given unlimited time with nothing else to do?
          -Love you all and thank you for your comments! I read all of them believe it or not as they go straight to my phone.


I actually loved forester soul and was thinking it will be updated later..he is noahs son.my favourite character's son.


I am so happy for you! Congratulations on getting an award, that’s amazing and I know you’ll do amazing in law school! 


          How are you?
          I haven't heard from you in a long time and I hope you're doing well ❤️
             I wanted to ask when you're going to start the Beta's Slave. Out of all your soon to be published books. This one really speaks to me❤️
          I  live for those kinds of tags and find them really interesting. I'm not one for mushy stuff so I'm sure this book delivers that to an extent. Please respond even if it's not to update me about the book but the fact that you're still there and doing okay 


Okay so im working on putting everything in order(just for me bc im specifically trying to follow the generations bc i get confused easily and i have bad memory somehow) . Can anyone help me so i can read them generation to generation starting from the very Beginning beginning. I tried to go back and start with the secret between us BUT it turned out to have a book before it which was dear taehyung i was like CRAP??
          So far this is what i have:
          -The order i came up with-
          Dear taehyung
          The secret between us
          This is us
          The love between us
          The fate of kailea
          Forester soul
          Crimson heart
          Crimson summer
          Crimson summer 2
          Crimson moon
          The prince and his tutor
          -Where these go connection to the above bc they all connect in some way????-
          New seoul; finding taehyung?
          What to expect when your husbands expecting?
          Saving doctor grayson?
          An american in london1?
          An american in london2?
          An american in london3?
          An american in london4?
          Next generation?
          His live is silent?
          He is not mine?
          My lonely eli, my beautiful luna?
          The prince of serendipity's forbidden juliet?
          Project kaleb?
          If we have each other?
          Thanks anyone who can help. Also if i have the order i came up with wrong please also correct me there as well. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!


-i still dont know where these go in connection to the others??-
            Next generation?( idek) (follows richard grayson ll and johnathan(idk who this is)
            His love is silent?(soren grayson and liam cohan)(ongoing)
            He is not mine?( soren and richard?????)(ongoing)
            Roses( follows mika-ji jackson. sister of noah jackson, child of thomas jackson, luca jackson and matthias jackson) (2nd short story prequel to 'the silent storm')( what's the silent storm?!??!) (THIS STORY CONTINUES IN THE SILENT STORM) 
            If we have each other?(follows allison….whos allison..)(maybe connected to roses)
            Im still a little confused about the bottom 5 titles but i think i figured out the top titles enough to begin reading them and fully enjoy the amazing world building that author has done!!!^^ 
            If anyone sees this please feel free to fix, explain, or wthvr, etc anything i got wrong. As well as explain the last 5 titles and where they fit in. Thankxx!


New seoul; finding taehyung?( story of how pierce found taehyung)
            Dear taehyung/ serendipity (story of matty's parents, mika grayson and pierce grayson) (pierce grayson father of taehyung grayson and clara grayson)
            What to expect when your husbands expecting(mika grayson and pierce grayson)(They meet in 'Dear Tae')
            My secret love song(milo)(sequel to WTEWYHE)
            The secret between us ( introduces key characters: matthias/matty, thomas, )
            This is us (sequel to 'TSBU'. Follows matthias/matty, thomas, and luca)
            The love between us(last book to Noah jackson and mika-ji jackson parents :luca, thomas, and mattias/matty jackson)
            Animals( noahs book)
            The fate of kailea
            Forester soul
            Crimson heart
            Crimson summer
            Crimson summer 2
            Crimson moon
            The prince and his tutor


My lonely eli, my beautiful luna?(king shawn rupert grayson and queen leilani?????who these ppl???)(complete)
            An american in london1?(fin before kae. Jamie and marius/mari- child of joseph and peter-(brother of pierce) )
            The prince of serendipity's forbidden juliet?(aiden and taehyung side story and prequel to 'AIL 2' )
            Caspian( short side story to 'AIL 1')(dr marius/mari grayson and boyfriend jamie caspian)
            An american in london2?(tae and clara)
            An american in london3?
            An american in london4?(ongoing)