
I just put out the first seven episodes of my newest billionaire book on Radish. If you'd like to read it, you can check it out here:
          	Eventually, it'll be on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited, if you're not someone who reads on Radish. 
          	I'm hoping to be back here in June/July posting more regularly again. I'll have to find out the exact date(s) from Wattpad.


@fatfaceheart Yes! That's who you think it is. ;) I tried to reply to this ages ago and Wattpad was glitching with wall notifications and posting... This app is going to crash hard eventually. Haha.


@SweetAnniePS I will make sure to announce when it happens! ♥


@RElizabethM I'm looking forward to it hitting Amazon! :)


Just finished binge reading 'Before Thirty'. I loved the story, so we'll written and captured


@F1umpmr Thank you so much! That's so kind of you to come here to leave me a message. I really appreciate it. ♥♥


I just put out the first seven episodes of my newest billionaire book on Radish. If you'd like to read it, you can check it out here:

          Eventually, it'll be on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited, if you're not someone who reads on Radish. 
          I'm hoping to be back here in June/July posting more regularly again. I'll have to find out the exact date(s) from Wattpad.


@fatfaceheart Yes! That's who you think it is. ;) I tried to reply to this ages ago and Wattpad was glitching with wall notifications and posting... This app is going to crash hard eventually. Haha.


@SweetAnniePS I will make sure to announce when it happens! ♥


@RElizabethM I'm looking forward to it hitting Amazon! :)


Temporary Love is live and ready to be delivered to your device. You can grab your copy from Amazon and/or KU here:

          A slow burn, steamy, and heartfelt marriage of convenience featuring a billionaire and his temporary nanny.
          Ever since my sister died and left me in charge of her infant daughter, I’ve been drowning in debt and on the verge of homelessness. When I reach out to the stranger who fathered my niece, a name my sister kept secret from me, I’m surprised by a hot billionaire who’s determined to fix everything that’s broken.
          His proposal to temporarily move us to his island and into his oceanfront estate seems like a dream come true. With a four month stay, there’s no chance of us turning into more. But as time runs out, we’re not ready to say goodbye. Our only option is a marriage of convenience—a fake relationship—to trick the government, allowing me to stay in my niece’s life permanently.
          This fairytale life is too good to be true, and it’s only a matter of time before the clock strikes midnight.
          marriage of convenience
          forced proximity
          who did this to you?
          protective hero
          slow burn
          he falls first
          one bed
          dual POV
          found family
          surprise baby/single dad
          no third act breakup
          Content warning: mentions of past abuse and sexual assault, discussions of suicide.


@grrbaby09 Yay! Thanks so much for letting me know. ❤️


Just finished this— loved the NGE so much!!!