
I got a bit more jury duty folks.  See yall soon.


@MistressOP Awww thank you ❤️


@alyxaundria Good luck on your WIP and welcome back :)


@MistressOP OMG I've missed you! How are you doing? I've actually revised ATAW, not sure if you've seen my posts about it. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it's latest version now.


My author! Just checking in on you. I hope you are doing okay!


Nooo, so sorry to hear about the pay cut! I feel that to my soul. If it’s not urgent don’t rush, you come first, take care of YOU! lol thankfully it’s fully civil 


this message may be offensive
@AlphaJhen LMAooooo I'm done soon so I'll try and give something more. But Ive basically been killing myself on the weekend to get everything done that I shoulda been doing during the week. awful, paycut and I fucking hate civil duty thankfully it's not a murder or anything that it's full civil. thankfully


Tell me why I replied to your comment in my mind yesterday ??? We were having a whole conversation too 


Hiii!How are you?I hope fine!
          I'm sorry for bothering you, but do you have time to check out my stories? 
          my biggest dream is to become a great author one day!
          If you are interested, here it is.
          I follow back too for help you because I know it's not easy to be a writer ;)


I got a bit more jury duty folks.  See yall soon.


@MistressOP Awww thank you ❤️


@alyxaundria Good luck on your WIP and welcome back :)


@MistressOP OMG I've missed you! How are you doing? I've actually revised ATAW, not sure if you've seen my posts about it. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it's latest version now.


My Dear Wonderful Readers!, 
          I've always said yall are dear to me. I mean it fully. Recently I've started a new book  I've been dying to begin posting for years that a wrote and yall were f'n there for me. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.
          I ended up rushing a few chapters so I could get a v-day post for yalling with a nice lil sexy scene.
          I'd like to welcome you to the new project and hope you enjoy Mr. Valentine.


This year has been bigger than I thought and guess what? I Finished!!! the second book of my series. [jumping up and down in joy right now you just don't even know] I put Finding Noah in the same original book to make it easier for people. It loads on the first page of Finding Noah. I've been wanting to say done on this for awhile. I'm getting ready to post my next book as well and taking a break on the rest of the for Noah trilogy because  it's emotionally taxing. Because this middle book is so angsty. Thank you for the support and recommending my book to others. I've seen so many new faces and I'm just so damn thankful. This book is kinda off the lane path a bit single mother, earnest guy so forth which falls under many folks radars. So, when you recommend my book out it helps so much which is why I'm so thankful plus it's fun seeing new faces. 
          The next book is a billionaire book with some twists but you gotta hang on to figure out all of them. 
           Silicon Knight - You won't believe what's hiding inside #TheCastle! | Wattpad | BookTrailer  to get you hyped hopefully - https://youtu.be/QxgZRkKNtlQ?si=kqohfjURuS-nlp9K


@MistressOP awww shiiii!!! You know I’m on that type of time!!!!!!


@True-North aww ty. Thank you so much for the support. I can't wait to do more. :)


Congrats on finishing the second book!!! It was soooooo good!! Can’t wait to read more from you!


I am so sorry, because I know I left it at a good point but there's more story.  I'm behind
          We are like 3ish chapters short of the end of Finding Noah maybe 4. I can't decide yet. Some of them might be released in parts. But honestly I ran out of steam on the live write. I just sorta crashed emotionally.  Full crash because I haven't even been working out or stretching.  I plan on getting back on the horse as I have the next chapter already written in edits. But honestly I am going to have to go back through it. Because I was writing with such emotional exhaustion and I didn't notice it when I wrote it 4 weeks ago. I just don't want to be writing like that even if it's a live write. So, I'm rewriting that chapter and the next 3.
          I finish my book trailer for my next book.  
          Silicon Knight - Billonare Tech CEO Erotic Romance -https://youtu.be/OnbdZ43O_DU


@MistressOP I absolutely love your work so I do not mind waiting! I know you say you’re moving again and I pray that you are doing okay!!!! Always take care of you!! <3 


@AlphaJhen Sometimes when it rains it pours. But I'm moving forward and standing in that rain with a smile on my face. Right now I am piecing together the rewrites and getting the horse moving again. Thank you so dang much. I can't say enough how much y'all are dear to me. I don't troupe chase as a writer nothing against those that do. I love troupes but I'm an awful prompt writer. Unless it's a story that just comes to me I can't write it. So, I can't troupe chase which means no traffic. So, you guys showing up and staying to read the story really. No words other then thank you so much for the support. And putting up with the lateness.


You have been holding us down with updates and I love your story. I appreciate all the time and effort you have put in to give us such an awesome story! Take all the time you need to rest, recharge and feel emotionally well again. We will be here when you feel the chapter is to your satisfaction and you feel it is ready! Thank you for all you do!


Yo We hit 10k on The Tour. Yall!!!!!!!!!
          The Tour is my second book. It's about a RockStar who is a bit rap and a bit rock. Who hooks up with a woman who's studying to become a music teacher. And is currently an assistant music teacher to students with disabilities. So, she's like singing Old McDonald's Farm and he's like singing about dropping panties.
          I hope you take the time to read it in the same way yall embrace Noah and Tari. Yes, Sabali is the same Sabali. Tari, works as a personal assistant for Noah. And works for Zoey and Sabali. So, people you know in the book.
          This book started my writing. It's the birthplace of Noah, and everything I currently write. It has lots of lust but also an earnest core. A love of music and is such an emotional book. 
          Thank You, Thank You, for the wonderful support.


@True-North thank you so freakin much :)


Yassssssss CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!