
          	Hello! Thank you for giving my story a chance! I just wanted to give a few facts for you to keep in mind as you read my story.
          	Positive comments are always welcome and any hate I come across will be deleted and depending on severity, will be blocked.
          	I started this tale when I was 14 years old. So bear in mind, 14 year old me did not have the masters in creative writing that 23 year old me has today. There will be mistakes and I am aware of it. When the story is finished I will edit it all.
          	With this is mind, please refrain from correcting me just for now. Once I’ve done my edit, knock yourselves out! I’m always grateful for criticism, just let me do it first okay? I have a lot of anxiety and sometimes it puts me off my writing. 
          	Also remember autocorrect does exist and it does have a vendetta against me. 
          	Anyway, happy reading! 


@Lyshxx your story is so freaking amazing I LOVE it


I am terribly sorry to use your platform to plug my story, but I know its very popular and I would love for someone to read it. However, don't let me take anything from this Author, their work is brilliant and I hope to read more of it in the future. Thank you, and take care.


          Hello! Thank you for giving my story a chance! I just wanted to give a few facts for you to keep in mind as you read my story.
          Positive comments are always welcome and any hate I come across will be deleted and depending on severity, will be blocked.
          I started this tale when I was 14 years old. So bear in mind, 14 year old me did not have the masters in creative writing that 23 year old me has today. There will be mistakes and I am aware of it. When the story is finished I will edit it all.
          With this is mind, please refrain from correcting me just for now. Once I’ve done my edit, knock yourselves out! I’m always grateful for criticism, just let me do it first okay? I have a lot of anxiety and sometimes it puts me off my writing. 
          Also remember autocorrect does exist and it does have a vendetta against me. 
          Anyway, happy reading! 


@Lyshxx your story is so freaking amazing I LOVE it


I’m baaaaack!
          Did you all miss me?
          Thank you all for the positivity! I’m also grateful for all of your patience! I can’t promise a regular update schedule since there’s this thing called life getting in the way. Being an adult is hard…
          Anyway, I’ve been reading the odd comment and you all really know how to make a gal feel good about her writing!
          Also please bear in mind that I am human, I will make mistakes. I plan on doing a through edit when the story is complete. I also mainly write on my phone so autocorrect is also my mortal enemy. 
          Anyway, thanks once again and keep on reading my lovelies! 
          Lysh xx


Hello to new and old followers.
          Thank you for giving my stories a chance, I just wanted to reassure those who keep commenting that I am continuing ‘Death’s Daughter’ as well as many of my other stories, unfortunately life is just currently getting in the way. 
          I’m still figuring out what I want to do with my life so I have had zero inspiration to write, however recently I have had more ideas.
          Another disclaimer, many of my stories but especially Death’s Daughter is written by a 14 year old version of me. I have not heavily edited any of my work after obtaining my masters in creative writing so things won’t be perfect. However once I finish the story, I will go back and edit as I know I can definitely write better now than I did back then. As helpful as it is the few of you commenting corrections, it does just put me off writing and I don’t think it’s fair criticism when I know this is past me writing and I’d like to re write it myself. I don’t want to do this till I finish since it will mean chapters won’t be coming out until it’s done, so I may as well finish it because I believe I am getting near the end of Raven’s story.
          I really appreciate all the love the story is getting and thank you all for your patience. Hopefully I should have the next chapter out soon, I am halfway through it.
          Thank you all!
          Lysh x


@Lyshxx hi Death's daughter is an amazing book. I got so into the book I forgot the time and only went to bed at 4 this morning 


Hey, author.  I really like your books. I was wondering if you would allow me to translate your book into Arabic because there are people who love your book and cannot read the English language, so I hope you will tell me your opinion if you agree to that and thank you for the efforts