
Excuse me, I have a question for you. I've read "Secrets" more than a few times. I've wanted to know since you have said you are not going to continue it, if I could rewrite your story with my own touches and add my own ending to it. (With your permission to change the plot a few times, and credit to you of course) I will be writing it on Ao3 to make things a bit more simpler for me.


I don't know if your a girl or a boy but I love her Jason's story please update I swear I'm obsessed with it like I keep on rereading it I love your story so much please update it don't leave me alone


@splitdeku I am a cyborg. I'm getting to it, I'm a busy cyborg at the moment! 
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Howdy Doody 


Still doing Secrets remake? Loved book 1. I started reading it and I didn't want to stop till I was done, but I had to go to work, after my shift tho I continued to read it until 4 in the morning, finishing it. It was truly fcking amazing, the emotions that I felt, the story line, all of it. It left me with mixed emotions


 Yo, it's fine take your time. It's worth waiting for :)))
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@FF_viewer awh im sorry i just lost motivation for it, the ending is really complicated to write and in my head it sounds easy, i might start sketchinh out ideas and try and update for you, again im sorry.
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Who do you guys prefer to top? Delirious or Vanoss??? 


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@Off_Season fucking great name!
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Sorry I suck at updating, I'm always tired.


@Cam0rra we never got her name :o
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@Cam0rra Starbucks with your name spelt correctly, Gary, Max and whatever her name was? =] 
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@Pony_Stark hmmm Starbucks with my name spelt correctly
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