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"Good morning."

I lifted my head up and saw William, dressed in one of his immaculate suits, approaching the desk I was seated behind.


He went ahead to open his office door, entered and some scant seconds later came back out.

"Let me show you around," he said and I stood. He walked across the wide space to the small glass office I'd briefly wondered about while waiting for him. Through the glass, I could see it had the basic office set up; a desk, chair, cabinets and other accessories. He unlocked the door with a key and we entered, allowing me to view more of the little office. There was a black couch next to a brown shelve which I couldn't see before. It was a cozy space.

"This will be your private office. You can alternate between here and the desk outside. Lilian is quite organized so finding anything shouldn't be too hard. And these are the keys to my office and this office," he handed me a bunch of keys which I collected. "What's first on my schedule for today?"

"A meeting with the CFO."

"That will just be Mark and I. I'll show you the boardroom to set up as well as other boardrooms and some executives offices up here." He exited the office and I followed.

"I thought Mark was your VP?"

"He is, but he's also the CFO."

"Oh," I nodded.

"Have you changed your locks?" He suddenly asked and I bit my lower lip. I hadn't changed it yet. Probably because Jiggy hadn't disturbed me since that night which was surprising enough considering my rent was due again soon.

"Uh, no." I answered and he turned to me seemingly ready to scold but I stopped him before he could begin.

"I know, I know, I should have. It just skipped my mind. I will, this weekend." I smiled. He skeptically shook his head but remained silent and we continued moving.

Asides missing the company of my friends at D&L, the next couple of days working at Illston tech weren't entirely terrible. The staff was nice, lively and innovative. William wasn't completely unbearable either. Plus I had a private office, that was definitely the win.

"What do you plan to do with Dieter and Leona?" I asked William as we went through some ideas for the next tablet in their series line. It was still my first week, Friday afternoon and we were alone in one of the numerous boardrooms. His suit jacket was gone and he had his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. The only comfort I allowed myself was releasing my bun and leaving my hair in a ponytail.

He looked up and for some unfathomable reason, when his eyes met mine, my chest tightened. I ignored it and waited for his answer.

"Ordinarily Mark would have us sell it."

"A few months in, it should have definitely surpassed the original market value and the value you bought it at, and selling it would be very profitable to you." I said and he nodded.

"Yes but we have other plans and forgetting the bad management, in the end, they remain the third leading marketing company in the state. If we we work hard enough, that position can improve and sales of Illston tech would improve as well."

"Was it really bad management or a tale of very unfortunate events. The Twain Yanus case was quite sad." I frowned remembering the man behind the last product D&L put out.

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