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It was now March 21, 1998.

Almost three months had passed since the visit to the Lovegood residence. In the time being, Hermione had spent much of her time trying to analyze the Deathly Hallows and why Dumbledore had written it in her book. Ellie stayed quiet for the most part, eventually filling the wooden table with her sketches of her girlfriend. She enjoyed watching her girlfriend read, as it brought a sense of peace at such a troubled time. At night, the lovers slept together on the cot; although its meager size made it difficult to rest comfortably, the two made it work.

Ellie awoke to Hermione's hand on her back, rubbing it up and down comfortingly. Ellie groaned in pleasure as a smile crept upon her face, feeling the the sunken area beside her where Hermione sat. The Hufflepuff rolled over to her back to see Hermione smiling down at her, the other hand holding her book open.

"Good morning, my love," Hermione greeted softly as she placed a kiss on her girlfriend's forehead, her hand moving to rest on her stomach.

Ellie smiled widely, humming in response as she squinted her eyes at the sunlight peering through the open tent flap. Ellie brought her hand around Hermione's waist, pulling her down to lay with her. The Gryffindor dropped her book and yelped in surprise, giggling as she adjusted herself to hold Ellie.

She brought her hand to Ellie's chin, lifting it up to her face as she leaned in. Ellie jerked away, earning a frown from her girlfriend.

"Morning breath," Ellie muttered as she shook her head.

"I don't care," Hermione countered simply, cupping Ellie's cheek as she brought her lips to connect with the Hufflepuff's.

After a few moments of slow kisses, the two broke for air, smiles plastered on both of their faces.

"How'd you sleep, darling?" Hermione cooed, her thumb stroking over Ellie's cheek.

"I slept just fine. Though I'd appreciate if you didn't hog the blanket," Ellie joked as she pulled Hermione's thigh over her, entangling their legs together.

Hermione opened her mouth in shock, seeming to be surprisingly amused.

"Me hogging the blanket? That was all you!" Hermione scoffed. "Besides, you wouldn't even feel if I had taken the blanket. You'd sleep through a bloody earthquake, given the circumstance. Plus, if it weren't for me, you'd wake up on the floor. And-"

"Hermione, love, if you don't close that pretty mouth of yours, I'll do it myself," Ellie smirked as she cut off her girlfriend, gripping the Gryffindor's thigh playfully.

Hermione's cheeks flushed into a deep shade of red before a wave of confidence washed over her. A growing smirk toyed at her lips as she opened her mouth once more.

"Oh, yeah? Well, if you don't like me talking about the way you sleep then you-"

Hermione's words were cut off by the suddenness of Ellie's action. Ellie had swiftly pinned Hermione's wrists down on the bed, towering over her as her legs straddled the Gryffindor's hips.

"I know what you're doing, Granger," Ellie confronted as she leaned closer to Hermione's face, making her breath hitch.

A voice called out from just outside the tent, his voice growing nearer with every passing second. Ellie and Hermione frantically separated themselves, adjusting themselves to sit on the edge of the cot.

Ron ducked his head as he entered the tent, waving a letter in his hand.

"Ellie! You've got a letter. Just got dropped off by the biggest owl I've seen. Bloody creature nearly scared the living daylights out of me," Ron commented as he approached the Hufflepuff. "Anyway, don't know how it got here. Harry's paranoid we were followed, considering the owl flew right by my enchantments."

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