12.Happy birthday pt.3

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I was standing in the kitchen later that night. The party was still in full swing but there wasn't that many people because all the children left along with their parents. Besides Ethan.

"Mommy" I heard and then felt a little buddy hug the back of my legs.

"Baby bear" I replied.

"Mommy" he said again letting go of my legs and walking around with his arms up.

I bent over and picked him up and he wrapped his arms around my neck and started peppering my face with kisses.

"Baby,what are you doing?"

"You give all of us kisses on our birthday, I want to be like you" he said while smiling against my face.

"Baby bear, I love you" I told him putting a kiss on his cheek

"He could have been ours,ya know"

I spun around to see Ashton leaning against the counter top with his arms crossed watching us with a smirk.

"Baby go play with your sisters or papa" I told Bradley as I set him down and he took off. And I heard him yell at my dad to play transformers and barbies with him.

I would have smiled if I wasn't facing the devil himself.

"You have a son, you don't need mine" I said through gritted teeth while I tried to walk past him but his arm sprang out and grabbed around my elbow.

"You leave my son out of this" he said angrily. I turned and glared at him.

"Then you leave mine out of it" I said and stormed back into the living room.

"Lena come here" I heard my dad call to me so I quickly walked over to him.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Are you okay? You look really pale"

"I'm fine,just tired" Lie.

"Okay, you really over work yourself" he smirked and I laughed.

"Don't blame that on me,blame that on my boss" I chuckled.

"Aww talking about me,our we?" I groaned.

Of course he would be there at that exact moment.

"Hello, I'm Conner melody" he said walking up to my father and shaking his hand.

"Hello Conner, I'm Jack Lander AKA Elena's dad" he said chuckling.

"So I work your daughter to hard? Well that's not what she said when..."

I gasped and quickly grabbed his ear and dragged him into the kitchen but looked back at my dad's face only to see him smirking.

"What the hell is wrong with you???" I shouted. He just smirked.

"Oh I'm sorry was that whole sleeping together thing supposed to be a secret, I had no idea" he said in fake shock.

"You're a dick! And have you been drinking?"

"Maybe a little"

"Not a little a lot, you can barley stand!"

I was just about to rant when Sky came running into the room, tears were running down her face.

"Daddy!" She yelled and ran towards him.

He reached down and caught her in his arms,stumbling just a bit due to the alcohol.

"What's the matter baby girl?" He breathed out.

"Daddy, you breath is stinky!" She said holding her nose.

It seemed she had forgotten all about why she was crying.

"I'm sorry baby girl" he said kissing the side of forehead.

It was about 10:00pm when everyone started leaving including my father,May, and Ashton.

Only Will and Conner were left but I don't think they were leaving anytime soon because they were both sitting in my living room drinking beer and talking like they knew each other for years.

I walked into the living room and started to gather up all the kids because they had all fallen asleep on either the floor or the armchair.

I started with Taylor who was sleeping on the floor hugging her puppy and her fingers hanging out of her mouth.

I gently picked her up and she whimpered slightly but was still fast asleep.

I started to walk towards the stairs when Conner grabbed my arm. I looked at him questionably but before I said anything he leaned up and kissed the back of Taylor's hand. I smiled a small smile at him.

I then walked up the stairs and put Taylor in her bed.

When I was walking down the stairs I slowed down to hear Conner and Will talking.

"So do you like have a thing for my sister?" I heard Will ask.

"I wouldn't be here and be around her kids if I didn't have a thing for your sister" I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

"Just don't hurt her,okay? She been through a lot and she doesn't need to have her life messed up because or a guy" Will said sounding really sad about it.

"Can I ask you a question?" Conner asked.


"What is her tattoo for?"

"That's not my place to say. but how do you even know about that tattoo? It's like on her bra line..." Will trailed off.

I decided that was my cue to walk back in.

I didn't even look at them when I walked in I just went and picked up Violet and took her upstairs, I did that two more times before I was exhausted.

I walked back into the living room and said goodnight but before I could make it upstairs Conner walked up and whispered in my ear.

"Listening to other peoples conversations is not nice" I blushed and rushed upstairs.

Happy fucking birthday to me!

I know most CEO stories are about a relationship and blah blah blah blah but I wanna focus on the kids relationship between both Conner and elena.

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