Chapter 17.2

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It was now midnight, meaning prank week had officially started, again. It was going to be ten times harder now that we had to do it by teams. It was a lot easier to prank Lucas because he lived in the same house as me, pranking Allyson was going to be far more difficult. I also had to discuss all prank ideas with Caleb. I was pretty upset that they stuck me with the amateur, there was no way I was losing this year. I just really hoped that Caleb was good at pranks. We had decided to meet on the roof to discuss prank ideas. "I think we should do something involving purple paint," I deadpanned.

Caleb looked incredibly disappointed, "You really do have an obsession with purple paint," he laughed.

I nodded my head, "I think the bucket over the door will work perfectly. We can do it on Vikki and Eliot because I already did it on Lucas,"

Caleb widened his eyes, "You know, I'm glad we're partners, purple isn't really my color,"

I tilted my head and pursed my lips. I put my fingers up in a box shape and looked in them, as if I was examining him through a lens, "Yeah, you're right, you'd look better in blue paint,"

Caleb scrolled through his phone looking for good prank ideas. We had a few written down on a piece of paper that sat between us. "What about this?"

He leaned over so I could see his screen. It showed an image of clear glue in a hand sanitizer bottle, "That is perfect," I jotted down the idea on our notepad.

Before the night was over, we had at least thirty ideas written down and a plan to exempt each idea. "Okay, now we should actually sleep because it's three in the morning," I informed him.

He agreed, standing up with me. "Goodnight Love,"

I turned to climb back to my room but noticed that my window was closed. I didn't remember closing it earlier. I shrugged and knocked it down to me just having a horrible memory, that was until I tried to open it. I pulled on the window but it wouldn't budge. I tried again, this time harder, still nothing. I looked over to Caleb, who was having the exact same issue. He continuously pulled at the window, it not moving an inch. Awkwardly turning my head, in a way which made my neck ache, I peered inside my window to find that someone had locked it. We had just been pranked. I groaned and rested my head against the window. Caleb came back and joined me. "So what do we do now?" I questioned Caleb.

His lips drew into a tight line, "Well, we're locked on a roof so our options are: wait till someone finds us or jump, and I highly doubt we'll make the fall down,"

I lifted my head from the glass, "Can you unlock a window from the outside?"

He took a minute to think, "I could if I had a bobby pin or something,"

I reached up to my bun, "I don't have a Bobby pin but I have a mini paintbrush, so," I pulled out a small metal paintbrush. My bun completely fell apart, my hair falling into gently loose curls.

Caleb stared at me in disbelief. He opened his mouth to say something and then closed it again. He blinked hard a few times before shaking his head, "Do I want to know?"

I shrugged, "I didn't have a hair tie,"
This only made him more confused. I laughed and handed him the paintbrush. He examined it carefully before removing the metal casing that held the bristles in. The bristles fell lightly on my roof, getting drifted away by the wind. Caleb focused intensely as he bent the metal into a particular shape. His forehead crinkled and his tongue stuck out ever so slightly as he concentrated. I couldn't help but think of how cute he was, especially when he made that face.

I shook my head in an attempt to wipe the thoughts from my brain. It was kind of hard not to think about the cute, adorable guy when he's sitting not even a foot in front of you.

Within seconds Caleb had turned the cheap, metal casing into a long wire shape. He slid it into the top of the window, fumbling around with it until he heard a click. He repeated the same with the second lock. Once both locks had been unlocked the window slid effortlessly open. I gaped at him, "How did you-" I started. I cut off my question, deciding I probably didn't want to hear the answer.
Caleb scratched the back of his neck. Oh no. "So, they duct-taped mine shut,"

"What?" I practically yelled.

There was absolutely no way we could use a broken paintbrush to break through duct tape. As for stuff in my room, I don't think there was anything made for this particular situation. I considered as many options as possible but since his front door was locked and he didn't have a key, that wouldn't work. If we unlocked his windows downstairs the alarms would go off. I mean come on, alarms? That left us with one choice, "Fine, you can sleep in my room but you're sleeping on the floor," my voice was stern. There was no way I was sleeping in the same bed as Caleb Hunter, again.

"Scarlett, I've slept in the same bed as you before," he teased.

I could already feel my face turning red. For fear of embarrassing myself further, I just repeated myself, "You're sleeping on the floor,"

I climbed into the room, the warmth immediately surrounding me. Caleb was next to me in seconds. I turned and closed the window, locking them once again. I strutted to my door next and locked it. I picked up athe roll of duct tape and pulled out four pieces. I stuck two across the door to the door frame and one from the window to the wall. "Love, are you trying to trap me in here?"

I mentally facepalmed, "I'm not trying to keep you in, I'm trying to keep them out," I used 'them' referring to everyone in the prank war.

My phone pinged in my hand, at the same time Caleb's did as well. I lifted it up to see a text, in the prank wars group chat, from Allyson that read, 'How's the sleepover with Caleb going, Annabeth?'

Caleb burst out laughing after reading the text. I gaped at my phone. I couldn't believe she planned this. I replied quickly, 'How did you know that would happen?'

Lucas answered my question, 'Well, we assumed Caleb would know how to pick a window lock. We duct-taped his so there was no way he could get in,'

Elie was going to kill me when he saw these texts in the morning. Thankfully, I was pretty sure he was asleep by now.
I grabbed Caleb's hand and yanked him to the door, "Where are we going?" He questioned.

"To get revenge,"

Caleb blindly followed me the whole way and didn't question a thing as I was strapping duct tape across Lucas's door. I handed him a roll of duct tape as we made it off to our next target. By the end of the night, or should I say what was left of the night, the two of us had put a chair and a lot of duct tape outside Vikki, Eliot, Allyson, and Lucas's door, successfully trapping them in. Another great thing about having your best friends live within walking distance.

Hey guys!! I'm so sorry it took me so long to update this chapter. Wattpad wasn't working and it would not let me update. Thank you to all the people who reminded me to keep trying to update it because I am very forgetful and I really appreciate the reminders.

As always, let me know what you all think of this book. I hope you like it. I really can't wait to publish it. Now if only I could ever finish editing it.

I may not be able to update the week of the 14th because it is my finals week but if you all remind me I will try me best to.

Thank you all for your love and support, it means the world to me.

Lots of love,
Rachelle <3

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