Chapter 5

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The town was bustling. It was full of sounds, food, music, magic, and people of all social standings; predominantly nobles.

As they were walking down the crowded streets full of stands, Asta went to stop at a food stand where an old lady was selling something quite strange.

(Y/n) and Yuno stuck together heading to the Magic Knights Testing site.

"My name is (Y/n), Hage." (Y/n) placed her book towards the man allowing him to scan it.

After his eyes widened a bit seeing the Divine Grimoire he gave the verification and her number which was #166.

They walked inside the colosseum where their exam will soon take place.

Birds of the colors white, navy blue, and red came flying in. (Y/n) has read about these types of birds long ago. These birds go towards people with less magical powers; sensing how strong or how weak they are.

The birds landed on the people or were flying around the ones with lesser magical powers, yet none came to (Y/n) or Yuno; not once did they come near them.

As people's stares became prominent towards them, surprised that there were no birds around them, the two didn't care much. So what if people were staring, this is just showing how powerful they actually are without going into battle. It's a win-win for both Yuno and (Y/n).

Whispers and gasps among them as they stared at the boy and the girl, and of course insults from nobles who thought they were better than everyone.

As (Y/n) waits, anticipating for the exam to start, Asta was being attacked by multiple birds at the same time.

The birds picking at his hair, clothing, cheeks, etc.

As Asta tries his best to run away from them, swiping and swings his arms around the air he soon tumbled into the back of a man.

"You wanna die boy?" Giving Asta a pissed-off stare.

Asta tried his best to actually not get killed today; hoping to take the test in one piece.

"I guess you really are ready to die." As the man grabs Atsa by the head picking him up with ease his squadmates came to stop him and began to drag him away from the poor boy.

"Our young testers, we apologize for our wait." Their attention was drawn to the 2nd floor of the colosseum; where all of the Magic Knight captains were.

Cheers could be heard from all over the colosseum; each and every captain was extremely powerful and most had high social standings.

"I'll be taking the lead for this test." The captain of the Golden Dawn said.

Captain William Vangeance opened his grimoire summoning one of his spells.

"Magic Tree: Descent."

A tree appeared in the sky; the branches of it creating and handing out brooms to every examine.

"Now then, we will begin the Magic Knights test, now shall we."

With ease, (Y/n) stepped onto her broom. Not even trying to gain balance by sitting on it or taking her time, she was instantly in the air as she placed one foot onto the stick.

Yuno too was in the air, the same way (Y/n) was. Standing on his broom with ease, gliding through the air.

People started insulting and whispering about (Y/n) and Yuno. Even though they were peasants, they held an extremely large amount of mana.

(Y/n) glided in the air, her hair whipping through the wind. It was easy for her, way easier for her to pick up than flying in her opinion.

She stopped midair, with her broom still floating she took a step off it.

People started gasping at her somewhat stupid action, but yet it wasn't stupid.

She took a step off it falling through the air until her broom came right back under her feet. Perfect balance; perfect control; it seemed like it was second nature for her.

The captains were wide-eyed, surprised to see a rookie has already gotten the hang of flying with a broom so soon.

Asta was still on the ground, trying his best to even float for a second. Even if he did have a grimoire, it seemed like he didn't have an ounce of magic in him. It was truly strange.


The other trials of the exam were conducted. Such as target practice, wall smashing, seed growth, and mana displays.

(Y/n) passed with flying colors on these. For the target practice, she just used her spell, Apollo's Arrows.

Using her mana she covered the rock with her bright white mana and smashed it into the wall.

To sprout the seed was simple, just add the right amount of magic to it and the seed will hatch into a sprout. If she added too much and overdid it, the seed would have turned into a full-on plant. Which would show the Magic Knight captains that she wasn't capable of controlling her magic.

With the free will mana display, (Y/n) used her mana to create beautiful doves and butterflies which came out of her hand and flew around the whole colosseum.

People were so intrigued and so fascinated by her displays of magical power. Each captain was impressed with her's and Yuno's magical capabilities.


"And we've come to the final test of this exam," Captain Vangeance said. "This test will be a spar. Pair up anyway you want, you'll fight it out with whomever you pick. You can use your grimoire if you please to."

"By now, you must know one or two attack spells, right?" He questioned them.

a weird way to end a chapter, but so be it

anyways i didn't lie about putting the magic knights exam in this chapter, i just didn't put all of it

well i do hope you enjoy

thanks for reading!

don't forget to vote and comment!

the next chapter will be out asap!

Aphrodite (Black Clover x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now