Chapter Two

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"Oi Meghna, get your ass on the other end of the luggage," Gigi yelled as she dropped to the opposite side while Charlotte pressed from the front.

"Better?" Meghna asked. Hope was still alive in her voice.

"More! Girl, you pig out on the food all the time. Show some strength," Gigi gasped.

"I have a high metabolism," Meghan defended herself as she threw her body weight onto the stubborn luggage. It finally relented and snapped shut.

Seizing the opportunity, Charlotte locked the travelling bag before it could protest and spill its contents. "Meg, what did you pack in there? Baby elephant?"

"My entire summer wardrobe," Meghna replied. Her face brimmed with pride. "I don't want to buy another luggage. I rather shop in India and get one from there."

"Have you ever heard of the buy one and get one free deals?" Charlotte rolled her eyes. "This is where my grandpa would say, 'penny wise, pound foolish.'"

Huffing, Gigi wiped the sweat from her forehead. "Jesus. Next time you ask me to help you pack, I will make shit up."

Charlotte giggled. Her friends turned to stare at her. "What?" she exclaimed.

"Well, we haven't heard you laugh this much since, you know, last year," Meghna said, shooting Gigi a meaningful look.

"What she means is that after your kidnapping incident, you have been different," Gigi stated, ever so blunt.

"Gigi!" Meghna scolded her.

"I am right. She hasn't been herself. James tried to persuade her to get therapy, but she refused."

Hang on, she thought. Had her brother reached out to her friends? "James talked to you guys about me?" The news didn't sit well with Charlotte. It felt like a betrayal, not an epic kind, but still.

 "Yes. He has. You know why? It's because he cares about you and is worried sick. He blames himself." Gigi sighed, exasperated.

"I can take care of myself," she mumbled, annoyed.

"Lola, are you even sleeping well? I can see the dark circles through the concealer. Talk to us." Gigi raised a skeptical eyebrow.

"Why did you arrive late? I tried to call you earlier and got your voicemail." Meghna touched her arm. Concern was etched on her face. "This is not like you."

The image of Aiden's frigid reception wiped her good mood. It was apparent both her friends had been fretting over her well-being before her late arrival at Meghna Gupta's place.

"Yeah, you were secretive about it? Come on, tell us. You owe me for missing out on the hours of packing Meg's stuff." Gigi wrinkled her nose.

"I went to see a therapist," Charlotte said, the first thing that came to her mind. At the shocked looks on her friends' faces, she knew she was going to burn in hell.

Everyone, including James and Amelia, had urged her to seek professional help after the traumatic experience. Charlotte had loathed the idea as she hated talking to strangers about feelings, especially when they were paid to do it. And yet, she had approached a stranger today. But did Aiden count as one?

"Wow, this a big step. Does James know?" Meghna asked.

"No," she cried. "Do not tell him. The last thing I want him is to worry. He has been through enough. Let him enjoy his time with Amelia. I want things to return to normal along with my anxiety to disappear." And also my nightmares, she added silently.

"Oh, poor baby." Gigi rushed to her side and hugged her in a tight embrace. "You should have told us. We are always there for you."

"I know." Charlotte flushed with guilt.  As far as everyone was concerned, her nightmares were over a long-time ago. It was an outright lie. She had just become adept at lying.

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