Chapter Ten- Unexpected Happenings

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~One Month Later~

~~Luka's point of view~~

I am in my garage working; Phoenix is in his chair, watching me. I have slowed on my work; I did it on my own; there is just a lot going on right now. Sebastian made his announcement about his marriage to Fawn and their pregnancy. He then freaked out and won't let her be at home alone. He had asked Pepper to quit her job then realized she couldn't, so he came to me.

He drops Fawn off at my house every morning. To be almost three months pregnant, she already looks six months. I slowed my work down to take care of her. I can get by for a bit. I talked to Jimmy, and we have an agreement. He takes all the heavy stuff, and I do all the oil changes, tires, and small stuff.

People understood when they realized I was the one with Fawn during the day. Very few people gave them a hard time. The younger people seemed to be the ones who made the worst comments. They just blew them off. They don't care.

I don't mind having her here. That means I get Phoenix, so I really don't mind it. I get that the further along she gets, the harder it's going to be on her. I know that will change to her coming here. I don't know what the plan is with that. I guess time will tell.

Fawn isn't the only crazy thing. More nights than not, Fawn and Sebastian take Phoenix with them. Pepper doesn't complain. She knows Fawn needs him. She lets herself struggle to make Fawn happy. I get it, though. They are her world, and right now, her worlds are in separate houses. I know she struggles.

I know she struggles because every night they have him, I have her. Not sexually. I wouldn't be against that now either. I have grown to care more than I ever thought I would. Our flirting game is strong. We openly flirt with each other. We don't care who sees it. We just haven't discussed it or taken it any further.

I want to, though. I want her more than I have ever wanted any woman. Holding her in my arms almost every night has been torture. Especially after I started having feelings for her, I can't figure out if she wants me or not. Flirting can mean many different things. I was flirting before I had feelings.

I do know that she smiles more. She no longer cries herself to sleep. She is overall happier. I don't take credit for putting her where she is. She did it on her own. Fawn has no idea that I have been staying with her when she has Phoenix. No one but Pepper and I know that. I like that we have something no one knows anything about. It gives us time to grow.

Phoenix: "Luka?"

Luka: "Yeah, little dude?"

Phoenix: "Have you built him yet?"

Luka: "I am working on him."

Phoenix: "Ok."

It's not a lie; I have been working on him; I have been working on me. I want to be his dad. I want to love his mom like Sebastian loves his Sissy. Things I never thought I would ever want. I want it now more than ever.

I work on my last car. I then have to help Fawn across the street to Peppers because the contractors are coming to start working on the house today. I went over everything with Pepper and Fawn before I did anything. I own the house; it's mine, but I know that they have an attachment to it. They wanted the same thing. Just the front door.

Pepper had come and got the stuff she wanted. Fawn asked me if she could have the bed in the spare bedroom. She said that she had always loved it and had slept there sometimes when Tim was around. She said it was when he wanted sex. He refused to with her in the house. He obviously wasn't very good at hiding it.

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