authors note/dislaimer

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hi hi hi :)

So, yes ik I'm shite at writing one story at a time sue me 🤷‍♀️ buttt I'm hyped for this one!!

Ik I'm a tad late to the obx fanfic stuff but I'm rewatching the show and I just had an idea and wanted to run with it so we goin for it with JJ 🥺🥺 anywhore please read but like I can't tell you what to do so pick wisely ig.

As usual I like to write about/include serious issues and some mental health problems too so the main character in this does have Borderline Personality Disorder (if you don't know what that is it's basically a mood/mental disorder that affects your rational thinking and makes you more disorganised in the brain, more emotionally unstable, more impulsive and reckless and usually makes healthy, stable relationships with others harder to maintain. It usually stems from childhood trauma). NO I am NOT just writing her as overly emotional and childish, I am trying to portray the disorder and Luna's struggle with it as realistically as possible whilst trying to show that it doesn't have to control your life. If she does seem childish or overly emotional or stupidly reckless don't feel the need to comment on it because I am aware and it is not within her control so I WILL NOT change it. There are also sensitive issues/incidents with both her and JJ's parents (obviously) and her sisters death, as well as the violence between the kooks and the pogues etc. So basically; reader discretion is advised.

And finally: I do not own any of the obx characters or writing or rights to the show in any way - that all goes to the respective writers, creators, direcors, actors and crew. But I do own Luna Bliss Rush and her family and storyline so, I'm asking you nicely as a fellow fan and perhaps writer, please do not steal my storyline or characters or redistribute my story in any way, shape or form.

With all of that being said, please enjoy this story bc ik imma enjoy writing it, and have a lovely day/night.

All the love,
Eli xox

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