10| Don't be a hero

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I hadn't expected Goldilocks to be back, but she shows up every night in a different designer outfit and heads straight for the weights. 

I'm impressed, but she doesn't belong here. Despite toning down the makeup and outfits, she's still as princess-like as the day she walked in, which is probably why half of these horn dogs can't think straight.

I focus on pounding one of the bags. I've got a practice fight on Thursday, which means between now and then, I'm in beast mode. Or, I should be. But every now and then, I glance over my shoulder to watch her. She doesn't seem to have a clue what she's doing, but she's doing it anyway. I can't help but grin.

At some point, one of the younger kids decides to shoot his shot. I stop punching the bag and watch as Auden crosses the gym, the cockiest smile on his face. The kid's just turned fifteen, but he walks and acts like she's a done deal, which pisses me off. It's the way a lot of these younger kids are: arrogant, invincible. It's going to get him in trouble one day.

He moves beside her and picks up some weights, choosing a set too heavy. He strains under the pressure but somehow manages to drag them off the rail. Goldilocks stops whatever frog position she's holding to look at him uncertainly. The pair exchange words, but I'm too far away to hear what they're saying, so I look at her lips, instead. They're full and pouty, turning down at the corners as she mutters something. I debate for a second whether or not to intervene before walking up to them.

Auden turns at the sound of my footsteps. "Wassup, O'Connor?"

Alyssa glances between us. I turn back to Auden and nod toward a punching bag. "Shouldn't you be training?"

He shrugs at me, still wearing that cocky smirk. "I'm taking a break. What's it to you?"

He's testing my patience, the way he tests everyone's. I let him get away with it for the most part, but some of the guys here aren't so forgiving. "Take a break over there, then," I warn. 

Auden falters at the way I stare him down, but he doesn't heed the warning. He's too busy trying to impress her. "Hey," he says, grinning. "I'm just making the new girl feel welcome. Why do you care?"

I don't answer. Instead, I turn to Alyssa and say, "He bothering you?"

She looks at Auden and, without hesitating, says, "Kind of." 

I smirk, but Auden straightens up like this is the highest level of disrespect. "I didn't like you anyway," he mutters, and he hurries across the gym to his friends. 

I shake my head at the audacity of this kid before turning to leave. Alyssa grabs my forearm to stop me. I pull from her grip, not because I don't like it, but because in that split second, I realize I do.

She notices my reaction and quickly pulls back. "Thanks," she says. "I'd usually have told him to get lost, but I don't really want to cause problems when I just got here."

I study her for a second. Up close like this, it's easy to see the specks of golden in her eyes–the same color as her hair. I run a hand down my jaw, because I've got a fight tomorrow and I'm  here thinking about the color of this girl's eyes. What the hell is wrong with me?

"Listen," I say, dropping my hand. "Just try to stay out of trouble, alright?"

She raises those dark eyes seductively, and every part of me pulsates. "Are you saying you think I'm a troublemaker?"

There's something about the innocent look on her face that causes me to grin like a kid. "Yeah," I say, moving past her. "I am." I head straight for the punching bag without looking back.

This feels like a distraction. 


The night of the fight, the club is packed. I wait near the bar with Hayden and Maddie, who are so caught up in each other that they forget I exist. 

For a split second, I watch them and get this crazy feeling like I want that, too. It's a moment of insanity. If my father's dead-beat ass taught me one thing, it's that love is a distraction–one I don't have time for if I want to make it out of here.  

I turn away from them and stare at the entrance, just as Alyssa and her group walk in. She's with Pretty Boy and a few others, and they make their way to a booth. Pretty Boy's got his hand around her waist and is holding her close, like he's scared she'll escape. It didn't occur to me that the pair were together, but I guess it makes sense; they're the perfect fit.   

They take a few minutes to get settled before Pretty Boy hollers down a cocktail girl and orders them a round. Alyssa and the girl she's with both down their drinks before heading to the dance floor.

The way she dances is different this time. She's not dancing like she's putting on a show, she's tilting her head back, laughing as she spins around her friend. I hide my smile with a quick sip of my beer.

A couple of guys near them start to inch closer, blocking them in, and when one reaches out and touches her waist, I'm about to jump from my seat. Pretty Boy beats me to it. He grabs Alyssa's arm, hard, and whispers something in her ear. She stops laughing, stops smiling, and after a second or two, the pair of them disappear out back.  

"So, you nervous for your fight?" Hayden asks.   

Distracted, I search the crowd to see where they've gone. "I don't get nervous." I look back at them in time to see Maddie roll her eyes.

"Someone needs to knock you down a few pegs," she says, sipping her drink. "You're too confident for your own good."   

I'm still searching the crowd, even though it's none of my business. Even though I've got a fight in ten minutes. I barely know the girl, but all I can think about is finding her.

Hayden starts to say something else, but I'm out of my seat before he can speak, heading straight for the bathrooms. I find Alyssa and Pretty Boy in the narrow hallway, arguing. His hand closes around her wrist and pulls her toward him, hard.

My pulse kicks up a notch as I make a beeline for her. "Hey." The sharpness of my tone makes both of their heads snap up. I close the distance, trying to shake off my anger. "Don't touch her like that."

Pretty Boy glares at me like he can't believe his misfortune. "God, are you just everywhere? Mind your fuckin' business."  

I clench my fists. The only thing stopping me from knocking this kid out is the fact I'd have to push Alyssa out the way to do it. I turn to look at her, noting the way her dark eyes are smudged with mascara. "You alright?" 

Pretty Boy looks from her, to me, then back at her. "Do you know him or something, Alyssa?" 

Alyssa looks between us like a deer in headlights. "No, of course not. How would I?" She glances at me, and in the brief seconds our eyes connect, it's like my heart sinks.

I run a hand down my jaw, suppressing the urge to beat the shit out of him right here in the hallway. I'd probably get caught and thrown out of the club, and for what?

It takes everything in me to turn and walk away. I head straight outside into the cool evening air and into the gym to get ready for my fight. As soon as I'm ready, I stand at the door and spend the next few minutes wondering why she's with him. Why she's so embarrassed to admit to knowing me.

Why I even give a shit.


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