Chapter 8

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The next day at school was filled with news and excitement about the party last night. I heard someone got into a fight at the party which is common at parties.

It's either jealous boyfriends or friends. Every Monday there's stories about the parties but I don't know how true those stories are.

Quinn looked exhausted as she stood near my locker with her body leaning on the locker.

"How was the party last night?" I asked as I opened my locker.

"It was fun." She yawned. "Dramatic, but fun."

I chuckled lightly.

"You missed the fun." She said.

"Right." I said a little distracted as I looked for my books. I must have left it at home as I couldn't find it in my bag or my locker.

"I couldn't believe that." She said.

"What you couldn't believe?" I asked.

"That Levi got into a fight last night."

That momentarily caught my attention.

"Why?" I asked as I continued packing and unpacking my things inside my bag.

"A jealous boyfriend thought Levi was giving too much attention to his girlfriend."

"Ouch." I said.

"But please pretend that you have no idea about that fight when you see him."

"People are talking about it in the parking lot." I said as I shut my locker.

I noticed Smith walking towards us and I give him an impassive look.

"Hazel, sorry about Saturday." He said.

"We almost got our a**es caught for you." I said.

"I know. I'm sorry.. it all happened so quickly and I had to rush out."

"Wait.. what you mean?" Quinn asked.

"I may have missed the part where we almost got caught by the cops if we were found inside that wild party house."

Quinn glared at Smith who give both of us a sheepish look.

"We didn't expect anyone to call the cops on us."

"But still... don't you have other friends to annoy?" Quinn asked.

We were interrupted by someone unexpected.

"Right. I was about to question the same thing." Levi said.

The side of his lip was busted and he have a small bruise near his cheek. His blue eyes was stormy and dark while his face had the usual impassive and cold looks.

"If it isn't the beholder, Levi." Smith said sounding less pleased with his arrival.

And here I thought they were friends.

"And if it isn't the douchebag, Smith." Levi acknowledged.

I sighed. "What's with this mood early in a Monday morning?"

"I can't deal with this attitude." Quinn said as she yawned. "I'll see you during lunch?"

"See you." I said to her.

"I can walk you to class." Smith said as soon as Quinn left for her class.

"You sure you don't want to meet the coach before the class starts?" Levi smirked at Smith knowingly while Smith's face has fallen slightly as he scowled at Levi.

"I don't know what's with you two." I started. "But I'm out of here."

Both their heads turned to look at me.

"I can walk you to class." Both of them said at the same time.

"I can walk myself to class. Thank you very much. You should walk yourself to your respective classes as well." I said with a grin. "I'll see you two around." I didn't give them the opportunity to say something before leaving the hallway and towards my classroom.

Levi was quick enough to follow me and was by  my side shortly.

His long legs taking smaller steps in order to be in the same pace as me.

"What?" I asked.

"We have the same class." He said. "Chemistry remember?"

"Right." I said blinking my eyes quickly. I forgot we share quite a lot of classes together.

"I thought you would come over last night." He said quietly. "I needed help with this." He pointed to his face that had a bruise and busted lip.

I didn't really want to pry in his business which was why I didn't ask him that question yet.

"You're suppose to ice it when you bump into something immediately."

"You think I got the busted lip and a bruise on my cheek cause I bump onto something? Well, then we can say I bump into a fist."

And I burst out laughing at his sudden sarcasm and he smiled at me.

"I'm sorry." I apologize quickly.

"That would suppose to be a lighthearted joke so don't apologize." He said.

"So how did that happen?" I asked as I stop to look at him.

"Just had a small argument with someone."

"Small argument cause you guys decided to use fist?"

"You can say that." He smiled.

I shake my head at him as we walked inside the classroom.

He sat on the chair beside me and I give him a pointed look.

"This is not your seat." I said.

"It will be from today onwards."

"This is Charlie's seat." I frowned. "You shouldn't change your seat all of a sudden."

"Why?" He asked. "I believe we should change our seats once a while in order to make new friends."

"Ha." I said rolling my eyes at him. "Since when did you believe that?"

"Now." He smiled.

Just then Charlie walked in and didn't notice that his seat was taken. When he saw me he waved quickly and looked at his seat. He tried not to show his surprise but failed miserably as he looked at Levi who was sitting on his spot.

"I was wondering if we could exchange seat?" Levi asked.

Charlie seemed thrilled and stuttered a quick "S-Sure." Before moving at the back of the class where Levi usually sits.

I shake my head at him. "If you ever decide to take my spot in class. I won't be nice like him."

He laughed and I noticed few heads turned towards us. People must be surprise by how relax he seemed today.

He raised both his hand in surrender.

"I wouldn't dare to." He said. "I'll save your spots in classrooms."

"That's not necessary." I brushed him off. "No one usually take my spot in classroom. They either prefer sitting right in front or at the back."

And just when I said that someone stood in front of me.

Author's Note: Thank you for patiently waiting for updates. Thank you for reading this book and for voting in the previous chapter. Next update will be on Thursday :) ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2020 ⏰

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