Chapter 11

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Jagged and Penny fussed over each other and Marinette as they neared wherever they were going.

"Just ignore the cameras and walk into the building, no one will be looking at you but just in case- you just keep walking straight. Okay, Nettie?" The girl nodded, she just realized she'd have to deal with both the richest of the rich and the press, and it was too late to ask where they were going.

"Alright we'll get out first and then you just go and walk, alright?" She nodded again, clutching the small purse Tikkki and Plagg were stashed in, the only thing she didn't have to do was add pockets to her dress.

The limo door opened, Jagged walked out and took Penny's hand- people yelled and took pictures. Marinette timidly followed, ignoring everyone, keeping her head down until she was inside.

A young man took her coat, revealing Marinette's simple, loose, full-length, purple dress, the bodice highlighted the girl's petite figure, the dress had no sleeves, just a slip of fabric connecting the front of the dress to the back. The flowy purple fabric was shimmery but not tacky. The man said she looked nice before giving her a ticket for her coat.

"Man! Those photographers are animals." Jagged said, holding Penny close as they walked into the warm entrance hall. "Sorry about that, Marinette, that reporter almost tore my tie!" Marinette snorted at Jagged's over dramatic tone and watched others stare at the trio as the couple took off their coats.

"Ready, ladies?" Marinette smiled and took Penny's outstretched hand as they walked towards the sound of soft music and conversation. Many looked in the direction of the trio, whispers followed. Marinette got a reassuring hand squeeze from Penny, Jagged was quick to distract the crowd by energetically approaching someone. Penny did the same with a woman, Marinette politely listened and followed along but was eventually approached by some classmates. They came and went, finding bigger fish to fry than a nobody they went to school with.

Alone without Penny or Jagged in sight, Marinette gets interrogated by every pushy mother in the room, trying to find out who her family is and if she has a boyfriend. Escaping to a random corner of the room, the girl all but hides behind a potted plant until someone interrupts.

"Go find your own hiding spot." Marinette's head whips to Damian who's well hidden on the other side of the plant.

"What in the hell are you doing here?" He gives her a look as if to say that the reason is obvious. She just goes back to watching the crowd, until she hears Damian curse and glide his way over to her side of the plant.

"Talk to me."


"There's a very handsy harlot and her daughter, they've been chasing me all night. Talk to me, no one will bother you- and they won't bother me." The girl weighs her options before seeing the determined mother and daughter. Without hesitating she giggles and puts a hand on the boy's shoulder.

"You-" Another fit of giggles, "-so owe me for this." They walk around, following the perimeter of the room trading insults or telling the other to laugh, making it look like a conversation.

As time goes on, people run out of patience and try to get close and into earshot. They ask each other questions, Marinette tells him bad jokes. Making the occasional pit stop at the buffet, they spend the night together- keeping more annoying people at bay.

When Damian excuses himself to get a drink, Penny finds her and whisks the girl away before Damian can come back.

The auction was at half past eleven and it was almost time, Marinette was itching to go home, Damian helped the time go bye but it's still a long party. She was exhausted from all the conversation and smiling.

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