Chapter Fifty-Six

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I spent the hours before supper laying out specifics with Janet. We'd arranged so many cue cards and torn up a whole garbage can worth of bad ideas. Finally, after hours of work, we had a plan. Well, we had a plan as long as Semret could find that photograph. If she couldn't, we'd definitely have to tweak it somewhat.

So when dinner ended, and I was face to face with the door to Queen Adele's office, I'm not sure why my stomach was still residing in my throat and my heart was attempting to play a symphony allegretto.

"You can do this, Genevieve," I tried to give myself a pep talk. "Just go inside."

Only when I heard one of the guards snicker did I remember I was not alone. "Sorry," I said. "I'm ready to be announced now."

One of the guards knocked on the door and I clutched the laptop held securely under my right arm.

"Come in," Queen Adele said and the doors opened in front of me.

"Your Highness," I curtseyed and then stepped into the room, the doors closing softly behind me.

"Hello, Genevieve," Queen Adele spoke without looking up from whatever she was writing down. "Please take a seat so we can talk."

My heels clicked across the floor as I walked, acutely aware of the pace of my steps as I did so. Finally, I slid down into a chair across from Queen Adele's desk, put the laptop down beside me, and folded my hands neatly in my lap.

Keep your face neutral, Genevieve, I reminded myself. You have to appear calm. This whole thing doesn't phase you at all. You love Clarence.

Finally, after what felt like forever, Queen Adele looked up from her desk and folded her hands. "So, Genevieve, my son tells me you have a plan?"

"Yes, Ma'am, I do." I reach for my laptop but she holds up a hand to stop me.

"No time for that, dear. I need to hear the basics quickly. I must meet with Abigail soon to mitigate this damage and apparently my husband decided you needed a turn first."

I swallowed, but it felt like sandpaper against my throat. "I know I have a plan that will work, ma'am, if you'll just let me."

"I said the basics, please," QUeen Adele rubbed the bridge of her nose. "I have many things to prepare for this anniversary ball. Especially as you have thrown all our plans out the window."

I stood up, towering over her for the first time since I arrived. "With all due respect, ma'am, I am here for a reason and I am good at my job. Moreover--" I took a deep breath and continued-- "I am here for the right reasons. I know what you've heard and I know what you believe, but I'm not giving up that easily. I want to stay here. I want to help him. I want to learn."

The queen's face remained still as stone throughout my whole speech. When I had finished, she slowly stood up so our eyes were level with one another.

"Then tell me what it is we're going to do," she gestured towards the chair and I sat down again, pulling out my laptop.

"Thank you," I mumbled, pulling up the presentation I had prepared.

* * *

"It's quite good, Genevieve," Queen Adele sounded surprised as she put her pen down on her desk. "But there's one problem."

"A problem?" I spun my computer around to look through my presentation again. "I could have sworn we figured everything out."

"You did." Queen Adele smiled. "Almost."

"But?" I asked, hoping she would give me some clue where I went wrong.

She smiled at me. "You've forgotten one thing, Genevieve. We can discredit him all we want, and we certainly shall do that, with or without your help. But it means nothing for you if the people do not see that you love their prince and their country."

How did I not think of that?

"There is one more thing I wanted to ask you about," Queen Adele spoke before I could stand up. "I'm sure Clarence will tell you about it soon enough, so I might as well tell you myself."

I waited, trying to take deep breaths to calm my nerves.

"I have asked Clarence to open our anniversary ball in two days' time. If you are still here with us, I should like you to join him." The corners of her lips turned up into a small smile and I could have sworn she winked at me.

"It would be my absolute honour." I stood up and picked up my laptop off the desk. "I will go make the proper arrangements now."

So now I have to prepare for a ball, and convince the people I love them and Clarence.

I curtseyed at the door and quickly made my way back to my room, thinking the whole way about what I was supposed to do now.

"Miss!" Marinette curtseyed when I walked into the sitting room. "I didn't know you'd be back so soon. I haven't even cleaned your room yet."

"You can leave it for a day or two." I winked. "I won't tell if you won't."

She giggled. "Okay, Genevieve," she said and then turned back to her work.

"Hey, Marinette?" I asked. "What can you tell me about this anniversary ball in a couple days?"

"Oh, I've never been to one, Miss. This is my first year working here and commoners usually aren't allowed."

Oh, there goes that plan. "Well, just tell me what you know. Anything is more than I know."

"Okay..." she searched for words. "I don't know much. It's a ball they hold every year to celebrate the king and queen, their rule, and their marriage. This year, they are apparently including a tribute of some kind--"

She must have seen me shuffle in response to her comment, because she smirked at me.

"Well, I guess maybe you know about that tribute. But then there's a huge ball and speeches that are usually broadcast on the television. It's a really big deal and people get dressed up at home to celebrate and watch it. My mom always makes the best meal--" She cut herself off as a blush crept over her face.

"Thank you, Marinette." I smiled at her and decided against pressing her on her family. "You may go now."

I pulled out my phone and called Janet. If I was going to do this, I was going to need her help. Again.


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