Chapter 31 Two weeks

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James' POV:

"But she hasn't been here in two weeks." I told Maya at the lunch table. About two weeks after I threw Dylan on the table, Elizabeth stopped coming to school, talking to me, and I didn't see her anywhere around town.

"I can't tell you what's going on James. I'm sorry, I really am. But something like this should come from Lizzie, not me" Maya tried to reason with me.

"No, I'm done with waiting for her to come back to school. She hasn't been answering my texts, calls, or video chats. But for some weird reason, she'll talk to you instead of me!" I snapped back at Maya.

"Look dude, please don't yell at my girl." Cameron protectively stated.

"Sorry man I'm just fed up with her behavior. I want to know what the hell is going on and why she's ignoring me." I was to mad to eat my lunch, so Justin started picking at my plate of spaghetti. "Just take it Justin." I not-so-gracefully said.

"She always disappears for a while around her birthday. It's completely normal." Maya tried to reason with me some more, but with every excuse she made, I just shot it down.

"Tell her I'm coming over to her house after school today and I want an explanation."

"You shouldn't force her to tell you. This is really big and she should get to choose wether to tell you or not."

"Maya," I more calmly said. "I'm going to see Elizabeth if its the last thing I do."

I then got out of my seat and walked away. But I could still hear Justin's loud voice. "Man, he's pissed."

The next few of my hours didn't fly by. In fact, they felt like they were longer then usual and they had especially been dragged out this afternoon. But finally the school bell rang and I flew out of Ms. Jackson's class and in a matter of seconds, I was in my car and busy driving down to Elizabeth's house. Thirty minutes later, I pulled into her cement driveway and slammed my cars door shut. I then impatiently and quite forcefully knocked on Elizabeth's front door.

"Oh, hello James." Mrs. Smith answered the door.

"Is Elizabeth home?" I politely asked her.

"I don't know if she's in the mood for talking. This time of the year is especially hard for her."

"Please ma'm. I need to talk to her." I insisted.

"Alright then. She's upstairs, in her room." I then quickly ran up the steps that led to her room and I was questioning if I should go in or not. But then I gathered up all of my courage and knocked lightly in the door.

"It's open." I heard her soft voice echo in my ears, for it had been so long since I had seen her or let alone heard her sweet voice.

I then pushed open her bedroom door and stepped into her chamber. She was sitting on her window seat, just staring out of her french style windows. Elizabeth had her legs pulled up to her chin, and she was resting her head on her knees. Her hair was pulled back into a sloppy ponytail but a few of her locks escaped and curled around her face, which framed it beautifully. Even in sweats, an old hoody, and her hair up in a messy tie, Elizabeth still found a way to look sexy.

"Hey." Was all I managed to say. On the way over to her house, I had a while and I had a speech planned out about communication and how it hurt me that she was totally ignoring me in every way possible, but now; seeing her like this, it hurt me. And I wasn't able to choke out my infuriating speech I had prepared.

"Hey." I remained where I was and same with Elizabeth. We didn't dare move, not even a finger.

"Are you ok?" I asked after a few more moments of silence. "I've been worried sick about you." I said as I took a few steps towards her.

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