Chapter 5

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Weeks had past, just like the first. I'd managed to keep up with my classes without falling behind. Alice and I had got insanely close. Sammy and the football team had been working towards their first game of the season.

Sammy had become friends with the other new member of the football team; the good looking, blonde-haired boy that had joined the team the same time as Sammy. Turns out his name is Jake. Jake had joined us at our lunch table for the last couple of weeks. Alice went google-eyed when he joined us, and I don't think she's recovered since.

I haven't seen the green-eyed guy since that day in the park. I thought that maybe he was avoiding me, but I quickly pushed that out of my head, why would he be avoiding me?

Sammy's big day had finally arrived. The big football game. Sammy had been getting himself all worked up all day. Dad has given him many pep talks, calming his nerves. Now with an hour before the game started, me and Sammy walked back to school. Mum and Dad were driving and meeting us there later on.

I had put on a cute bardot red top and my white jeans, to represent the school colours. Sammy was twitching as we walked, I couldn't tell whether it was nerves or excitement.

"You ready?" I signed.

"No." He signed back.

I laughed a little, knowing full well that once he was out on that field, there would be no stopping him. "You're going to be great. I'll be in the stadium if you ever need convincing." I signed back, trying to take away some of his nerves.

"Glad I've got my number one fan" he signed back with a smile.

"Always" I replied before he pulled me into a massive bear hug.

We walked the rest of the way in silence, Sammy got into his focused mindset, and I didn't want to interrupt that.

When we reached the school, Sammy gave me a hug and I returned it with a thumbs up and a smile before he ran off to meet Jake to warm up ready for the game. I spotted Alice over by the school gates.

"Hey girl, you okay?" She said to me as I leaned on the gate next to her. I looked at her and smiled.

"Are you as nervous for them as I am right now?" She said motioning over to Sammy and Jake, watching them as they walked into the locker room. I looked at her and nodded my head.

"Come on, or we'll miss the good seats." She said before taking my hand and leading me to the stadium.


My legs bounced as the final minutes of the game played before us. Our team had been doing well, we were currently drawn with the other team. The other team was good, like REALLY good. Every point we scored, they then scored. Every block we had, they then blocked.

It wasn't that I didn't think we could win, of course we could, I was worried about our team, what it would mean if we didn't. What it would mean to Sammy if they didn't win.

As I watched, I could feel Alice sitting on the edge of her seat. Both of us hoping that we would make one shot. That's all that we needed. Just one.

We watched as Sammy ran across the field, the ball clutched safely in his hands. Most of the other team were behind him, trying desperately to catch up, but Sammy was fast. But there were three boys on the other team charging straight at him. 'Boys' is the wrong term to use for these guys. They were men. Big, heavy, muscly men and I knew instantly that no matter what Sammy couldn't take three of them at the same time.

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