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Next morning when I woke up my baby was still sleeping peacefully, may be dreaming about rainbows and unicorns. I decided to take a bath and get ready before he wakes up and slowly made my way towards the bathroom without making any noise.

When I came out of the shower, I found my baby wide awake and looking at me. I got him bathed and dressed up. I packed a bag for Archie, which had his baby food, milk bottle, a set of spare clothes and diapers. Along with my office bag, I already have some toys in my office to keep him entertained, when my parents or Sam brings Archie.

I went down stairs carrying Archie on my hip balancing our bags in my other hand. Sam, who was munching on his toast, rushed towards us to take Archie and he happily went into the arms of his uncle. The chef already prepared breakfast and I sat on the table eating my food while Sam began to feed Archie.

"Vi, can I take Archie with me to my office. My schedule is clear and I can baby sit for you." Sam asked trying to feed Archie.

"No. I am not gonna leave him with you, you will spoil him giving all those toys, not to forget dressing him up in those superhero costumes. Your Instagram wall is full of his pictures,Sam. I am not leaving my baby alone with you." I said strictly.

Whenever I leave Archie alone with Sam, he dresses him up in all those ridiculous costumes and spoils him by buying all the new toys in the market.

"Please Vi, I swear I will look after him, very well." Sam requested.

"No Sam. I am not going to give in to your request. I am taking Archie to office with me, if you want, you can come there and play with him, when you are free." I said taking our bags.

"Vi, Please. I will look after him nicely. I will feed him on the time, I will make sure he gets enough sleep and I will even change his diaper. Please, let me take him with me." Sam requested showing puppy eyes.

"Sam, I better leave my baby alone in home than to let you baby sit him." I said walking outside, while a sulking Sam carried Archie towards my car. I placed my baby in the baby seat and buckled him.

"Baby, Say bye to Uncle Sam." I said as I ignited the car and Archie babbled some baby words looking at Sam.

"Vii, please... "

"Bye, Sam." I said as I drove my car towards the office.

I parked my car and took out Archie in my arms as I asked the security guard to send the bags to my office. I carried Archie inside my office, all the employees of my office began to wave at him and Archie smiled looking at them. Everyone in my office adores my baby and unlike most of the kids and especially me, Archie likes  attention and has a charm to make people fall in love with him just like certain someone.

I let Archie play with his toys sitting on the carpet as I studied some files keeping an eye on him. I finished reading the file when I found my baby feeling drowsy. I patted him to sleep and placed him in the stroller beside my chair wrapping a blanket around him.

"Excuse me, Ma'am." Lisa whispered opening the door.

"What happened, Lisa." I whisper asked as I moved outside the door.

"Ma'am, the clients are here to meet you for the presentation." Lisa informed.

"Okay, I will go see them. Keep an eye on Archie till I return and inform me if he wakes up." I said walking towards the presentation room.

As I entered the room, I froze in my steps, looking at the person in front of me. The person who broke my heart, the person whom I loved and the person who is the father of my child; Evander Arlette. When I met his eyes, I found him looking at me with wide eyes, he looked the same yet different from the last time I saw him, his black shoulder length messy hair is cut short and neatly gelled up giving him a manly look, he's looking hot in the charcoal black suit and trousers paired with a crisp white shirt. The memories of his betrayal rushing back into my mind but I can't break down in front of him, I can't let him see my weakness. I had changed in past two years, I am no longer that gullible, naive girl, I grew up as a strong and independent woman, the mother, who wants to be an inspiration to her child.

I walked in to the room and greeted them smiling, pushing back my emotions.

"Sorry, for making you wait." I apologized while Evander was still looking at me shocked.

"No problem, Ms.Everly." The older guy, whom I got to know as Evander's assistant replied.

"Shall we start the presentation?" I asked looking at Evander in a straight tone.

"Yes." He said and started his presentation, throughout the presentation, we both kept looking at each other.

"That's a great idea, you have." I said honestly as I liked Evander's presentation.

"So, are you ready to sign the deal with us? " Evander's assistant, Mr.Roberts asked with enthusiasm.

"Yes, but I just want to have a word with Fernandez's before, because they were the first one to approach for the deal." I said politely.

"Okay, Ms. Everly. We will meet you on Monday to discuss further details about this deal." Mr.Roberts said as Evan stood in silence his gaze on me unwavering.

"Okay then, I will take a leave now. It's nice to have you here." I said forwarding my hand and Evander held it immediately in a tight grip as if he was not ready to let me go.

"It was nice meeting you again, Violet." Evander said in his deep husky voice looking directly in my eyes making me feel butterflies in my tummy. He has the same effect on me even after all these years and after what all happened and I hate it.

"Ermm.. I will see you later." I said taking back my hand from his steel grip and rushed back into my office.

As soon as I entered my office I threw the files on the coffee table in the corner and stood holding my desk. Being in the same room with Evander brought back so many memories that I was trying hard to forget. Why do I have to see him after all these years. What will happen now? What will he do if he finds out about our baby? What will I do if he takes my baby away from me? No, I can't loose my baby, I can't let Evan know about my baby. I was thinking about the ways to hide my baby from Evander, when the doors of cabin burst open revealing Evander, with Lisa trying to stop him.

"Ms.Everly, I tried to stop him." Lisa said shaking in fear.

"We need to talk, Violet." Evander stated fixing me under his cold gaze.

As I stood there, frozen between my sleeping baby and his father!

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