Chapter 31

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Houston, Texas

Nijah walked through school onna high. Life was finally going great and how she wanted it. She was in a happy relationship, she had a good relationship with her brother. She couldn't really complain.

But she knew all that would eventually come to an end. Her happiness never last long. She was just prepared for her world to come crashing all at once. She looked down at her phone checking Twitter and smiled seeing Sekani tweet.


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"Aww." She said lowly to herself retweeting it before looking back up.

"Nijah !!" She heard and she looked up and seen a familiar girl. She couldn't really remember where she knew the girl from but she knew she knew her.


"Can you do me favor?" Tatianna asked with a friendly smile.

"Depends on the favor." Nijah chuckled lightly. Sekani walked into school and seen Tatianna talking to Nijah and he instantly got angry. Every time something was going right for him it was always some bullshit. This time he was actually trying.

"Can you tell Sekani to text me back please." She sighed.

"Oh, yall have a project together?" Nijah asked tilting her head.

"No, nothing like that. Sorry to bother you though. But yeah it'll mean a lot if you did that for me." Tatianna said sending her one more smile before walking away as soon as she seen Sekani approaching. Tatianna was far from dumb. She knew not to fuck with Sekani, she was already pushing her buttons as is hoping she didn't click the wrong one.

"Wassup." Sekani said with a frown kissing Nijah's cheek. "What she wanted?"

"You be texting her?" Nijah asked ignoring his question.


"Don't lie Kj." She said cutting him off scoffing.

"Why you acting like that, ion be texting her she be texting me. Ian gone even lie at first I entertained her but that was before me and you got serious." He said.

"Sekan-." Nijah said taling a deep breath shaking her head. "Not even gonna hurt my own feelings." She said lowly to herself but he heard her and he instantly started to feel bad. To him it didn't matter because the dates and times didn't add up. But to Nijah he felt like she was going to be upset about it so thats when he started to feel bad.

Sekani was misunderstood. To others and to Nijah he probably seemed like he didn't really care for her. But it was the opposite. He cared for her but he just had a weird way of showing it. No matter how much he say he was mature he was very immature. He wanted Nijah just as bad as she wanted him. His heart was in it but his head wasn't at first. But now both is in it and he already know Tatianna is about to fuck it up for him.

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