Chapter 5: Someone

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Tears flow from my eyes like heavy rain as I settle on a huge rock. I thought back to the years of pain when things went downhill for me.

I don't know why I have such a bad fate and I wonder if I ever did something wrong to anger the moon goddess.

It was heart-wrenching. My mate had made his decision. Thinking he has a tiny bit of heart for me. How wrong is that?  

He rejected me without giving me a chance to breathe or even to take my time. Officially, I don't have that someone since he chose for the both of us before I even come into his life.

I was crying when I hear something snaps. I look around me and see a big black wolf eyeing me skeptically. His eyes scream danger and I could feel his strong aura. It's like a force ordering me to submit.

Anyone should be highly alert right now and start to run away for their life. However, in my situation, I couldn't do anything at all. 

I could tell that he was an Alpha but that didn't bother me at all as I was too busy crying to even bother.

"Move rogue. You have trespassed my territory," he growls at me.

I said between sobbing, "I'm not intruding on your territory I'm only borrowing this spot. It's not like I will take it home with me."

His growl grew louder showing off his white sharp fangs. He looks mad.

"Can't you stop growling at me and sit your ass down somewhere here. Let me finish crying so don't disturb me. Do you know how cruel this world is? So, please spare your growl for someone else who deserves it and just let me cry." I yell back at him and continue to sob.

"You're a rouge"

He spits out as if I'm the most disgusting thing he encountered and with that, he didn't hesitate to attack me.

I didn't move to defend myself. I sat there watching in slow motion as he readied himself to thrash me with his claw.

 I am ready to be gone from this world too. Life didn't matter anymore.

'This fate is too harsh for me. So, it was better to die than live with nothing at all," I cry to the moon goddess.

He jumps up in the air with his claw raised in the air. His hazel orbs met mine and he strikes.

Closing my eyes to accept my doomed fate. 

However, nothing happens. 

He didn't kill me. I feel his heavy paws falling next to my hands and one of his claws grazes my bare skin. 

When I open my eyes and see him staring at me I told him straight away. 

"I'm not a rogue"

I hiccup and turn around to observe the scenery before me. His wolf sat next to me and we watched together as the sunset.

"Your territory's land is beautiful. Something I would die for," I commented but he just sits there not moving and saying anything.

When I am calm and all my tears are gone. I sat there next to him not knowing what to do.

'Now how do I run since my tears are now dry and the Alpha is probably waiting to take me to his pack's dungeon?' I ask myself.

I may have already disrespected my mate but hey he's my mate and his wolf might pity me. However, the Alpha next to me is not my mate. Therefore, the only thing in his head is no mercy. No matter how beautiful this moment is.

Counting from one to ten in my head. I waited for Eliz to be ready and for us to run now. We both prepare for our escape. 

Reaching number ten, I could see from the corner of my eyes that the Alpha is off guard. I quickly said to him "thank you." And with that, I dash out of there.

I hear him growl and get closer to me but I promise myself so many times that this is the only thing that would make me run faster than anyone. 

'When my life is in danger.'

Gathering all my strength I push my legs to run faster like there is no tomorrow. 

I finally lost him and I'm almost back to Alpha Eric's territory. Despite that, it didn't stop me from rushing when seeing Leto, and my best friend Aberdeen in the open field of Daluna's territory. I could see that they are bidding their goodbyes. 

I reached them and stopped beside Leto. Having trouble catching up my breath I call out to no one specific.

"Water, water." I struggle to breathe. 

Eric called Lucian and in a second he stood in front of me with a water bottle. I take the bottle and gulped the whole water. 

Yes, now I can finally breathe.

 "Thank you." I thank Lucian. "You just saved my life but I don't owe you anything," I added.

Their jaw drops and looks at me in disbelief.


"Are there rogues out there in the woods or near the border?" asks Aberdeen.

 I wave my hand no to her and said, "no, just a big monster." I know I sounded like a four-year-old kid but I'm trying to dodge a bullet here.

"Can we go I'm feeling tired?" I say as I held on to Lucian's shoulder for support since he's the nearest. This earns a growl from Eric.

'What a douche' I mind linking only to him since he hasn't blocked me out.

'Don't call me that, mate or not I'll kill you" he threatens me.

"Not before you"

I grin and start walking towards the car to avoid trouble and to stop myself from digging my own grave to lay down. 

I open the car door and sit inside to wait for them to get in. However, when Aberdeen first gets to the car she looks at me weirdly. Like she is hiding something from me.

What am I missing here?

"Yes Aber, did I miss something?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at her.

She takes a deep breath before telling me what she is hiding from me. Did I go ballistic after her answer? 

Yep, I did, because hell no. Over My Dead Body.

I am not doing it.

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