Chapter- 19

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Xavier's POV-

We get out of that house. Anna was still not sobber. I am carrying her on my back. She weights like a feather. The road was empty. Obviously, it's past midnight.

Her face was in the crook of my neck. Her breath was tickling me. She took my ear lob in her mouth.

What is she doing? I should not feel anything. I should not feel anything. She is high on the hash. She doesn't even know what she is doing to me.

Right. Don't feel. She maybe won't even remember what is she doing.

You are her friend. But she is literally sucking my ear.

I should feel disgusting but why is she doing something like this, so sensually.

I bounced my shoulder to wake her up a little so that she could see what she is doing to the poor me.😥

No effect. No effect at all. Tonight is my end.

Okay, control. Don't think dirty. She is your responsibility right now. Yes.

But I am a man. How the hell should I control my body reaction?

She stopped. She put her chin on my shoulder. That means she is up.

Oh, Thank God. I will live.

"Xavier." She said.

"Hmm" I replied like that.

"Xavier" she said my name again.

"Yes, princess, I am listening." I said.

"I like your name. Do you know the meaning of Xavier? Who was the first person of this name?" She asked out of blue. To tell the truth, I really don't know. I never think about it. So I replied truthfully.

"No, darling. I don't know."

I am loving this moment. She is this close to me and I can call her by all the endearing words I could only think of calling.

"You know your name has Spanish origin. It was the name of a saint. Isn't it awesome?" She said.

When did she achieve mastery in my name?

"That's interesting." I said.

"Xavier." she suddenly said my name with so many emotions behind it that it made me stop in my track.

"Yes, love?" I asked.

"You are my rock bottom." She said. I was confused as hell. Does she think I am a burden on her? I am at the lowest level for her.

My heart sink. I was in my thoughts when she said again.

"My heart was like a black hole. Nothing at all can come out of it or there was nothing but emptiness in it. Then you came. I found the deepest bottom of my heart. Now, all the moments I share with you can stay there. I can reciprocate them." She said. She put her face again in the crook of my neck.

So she meant it like that. If that's what she meant then I will be her rock bottom for all my life.

Suddenly she asked to put her down. As soon as I put her down she ran towards a park. It was very dark in there. Only a street light was illuminating the park.

She ran to a swing. She sat on it and stare at me. I understood what she wants next. I stood behind her to give a little push to the swing.

She was laughing loudly, God knows why? I told her to keep it down, otherwise, this neighborhood will think that there is a woman ghost in this park.

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