Chapter 20

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Ciel slammed the front door, throwing his backpack and books to the floor as the others watched in shock. He turned to the teachers and sneered.

"What the bloody hell is wrong with you!"

Undertaker looked to the others and Grell shrugged. Sebastian stepped forward "Young Master, I--Dont touch me!" He slapped his hand away "Because of you idiots she's leaving!" Alois laughed at the supernaturals confused faces. "He means (Y/n)" Grell 'oh'd' and checked his nails "I don't see what the problem is here"

He ducked down as a book flew to his head "This is all your fault! You're all blinded by one girl that doesn't even give half of you any attention and I...I was the same.." He clenched his fist. Part of this was his fault and he knew it. He gave Alex more attention than she deserved, leaving his first friend behind. The first friend he had ever since they popped up in this world.

All he did was turn away and go up to his room, not even bothering to continue.


Grell hummed a little song as he fixed his hair into a ponytail. He was walking in the halls and looked around with every chance he had. His ringed eyes then landed on the large truck infront of the house across form him.

He looked closer to see a few men lifting boxes and crates into it. "Sutcliffe, what are yo--So the brat was right" William walked over as well and saw as the (h/c) haired girl and her older brother went to talk to the men. "Something feels wrong..."

Grell's eyes lowered as a frown came to his face "I don't like it" The (L/n) siblings thanked the men as the truck prepared it's leave. Brookes looked down to his sister and said a few things, going back inside the house while (Y/n) stayed outside.

She looked around the area with a sad smile and then to the window the two were spying in. She gave them a wave and a smile, walking back inside as well. "She never smiles..."

Grell didn't understand this new emotion and he didnt like it either. He looked to Will with furrowed brows "Why do I not want her to leave?"

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