Chapter 59

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I force myself to get up after awhile and then head to the bathroom to get cleaned up. As the warm water cascades down my back, I can't help but recall how we made love right here just this morning. 

And in the span of a day we've had one of our biggest arguments and now Lucian is missing. My eyes sting under the running water and I rub them in disdain. I wash up and leave the bathroom and my heart sinks when I see that he has not returned. 

I stare at the door for a few long seconds as my heart weighs me down with its anguish. I finally turn away, feeling useless and then walk around the room to know where in particular. 

Somehow I find myself in Lucian's library in front of one of his unrestricted book shelves. I skim through the books, roughly knowing what I am looking for and then I pull out the geographical book of Earth.

My fingers tremble as I turn the pages and then the world map comes to view. I place a finger over the part I think I grew up in and my eyes fill up with tears all over again. 

I barely remember my family, I don't know what they look like anymore or if everyone is still living under the same roof. Has my brother moved out? Is he married or dating someone?

It's funny how my thoughts immediately flit to Lucian when I think of marriage and dating. I sink to the floor, clutching the book in my hands but at this very moment my heart doesn't belong with Earth or my family.

It longs for the person who just walked out on me. It belongs to the man who risked his power and fought for my kind today during the meeting. It belongs to the person who makes me feel like I'm the most special being on this planet even though I am just a human.

Tears stream down my cheeks and they drop down on to map of Earth, wetting the paper. Will I ever be able to go back? Do I even want to now that I know how impossible it seems?

There is a part of me that just wants to leave this planet and go somewhere far away. Some where no one can find me. And if I had Lucian with me everything would feel complete but I know his place is here, where his empire needs him. 

He has to stay here and take over instead of Lazarus. If Lazarus gained all the power he would kill Lucian and I as soon as he got the chance. 

I look up at the forbidden shelf, remembering how determined I was to study flight manuals and floor plans when I first got here. A soft laugh escapes my lips. I now know how to fly, how to operate a ship and travel in space but I know nothing about how I can overcome the strict surveillance on Earth. 

There is also the question of the spaceships needing clearance from the command center before exiting the base. There is absolutely no way I will be able to escape on my own, of this I am sure. I stare at the papers that stick out ever so often and my hands itch with profound curiosity.

Is there something there that can help me?

I stand up and stare at all those documents that require Lucian's fingerprints. Feeling disheartened, I walk back to the bed and eye the table that houses his computer as well. Maybe if I could access his computer, I would be able to find a place on Earth that isn't being monitored by the Plutonians.

Or worst case scenario, maybe I might be able to find an abandoned planet I can settle down in and live the rest of my days in ignorant bliss. 

Or at least find away to get out of this prison like planet without killing myself.

The bottom line is that I need his finger prints and I need to be able to replicate them so I can use them like that device Cyscus used to access Lucian's computer during our training. It suddenly dawns on me that if I leave Lucian I will never have access to his information again and now I regret pushing him away.

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