0.37 | Editorial Page: Can We Please Know Why Are You Back?

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Joseph cast a glance at his wristwatch, standing at the threshold of the room. On the other hand, Ruby combed her hair with her hand to provide it with a smooth effect, having no time to look in the mirror it was a bit of a hassle. However, she didn't seem to look as tensed as Joseph who couldn't stop tapping his new shoe in agitation.

What a poor pair of new shoes.

"Jose, I'm not sure about today. Still." She giggled, taking her sweet time pulling the hem of her cardigan in the name of supremacy. Her every action seemed exceptionally slower, Joseph began to massage his temples. "Jose, I think this purse would be superfluous, tell me?"

At this point, as she came closer to him shutting the door behind her, he spun her around and carried her in a bridal style.


"There's no other way to take there ─ in just one minute, is there?"

"Never had I objected just hold me tight." As if those words were not enough to reinstate him to the edge that she had to kiss him on the cheek. To say that his heart skipped a beat would be an understatement. She wrapped her arms around his neck in a loving manner. Joseph hobbled, also making sure to keep an eye out.

Lucy moseyed along with a cup of tea, singing a song in an acute tone. She got startled as she saw a glimpse of Joseph carrying Elizabeth in his arms and running. She careened to catch them, yelling at the same time. "Joseph sir! Your tea!"

Joseph nearly swore after sensing the physical touch they had put in the eyes of everyone, he quickly slipped his arm away from Ruby's.

Mrs Warner's eyes widened as they lay on Ruby's face. "Christ! Elizabeth . . . are you okay?"

Ruby realized that it surely was the uneven dash of eyeliner or maybe unpolished lipstick. She cradled her face in her hands, puzzled and over-emotional.

"I'm . . . fine." Ruby nodded unthinkably.

Mrs Warner ordered one of the maids with all seriousness, "Bring Alicia here to fix Elizabeth's makeup. Quick." In the meantime, Ruby whipped her head to read Joseph's embarrassed face. What had happened?

He was rubbing his neck and refused to look into her eyes utterly. She slowly retreated her steps back to check her appearance in the decorative mirrors on the wall. A yelp escaped her lips. Looking at herself was like witnessing the previous version of herself as Ruby--- the petty singer with poor makeup skills.

"Joseph sir, your tea is ready," Lucy gasped, offering him the teacup, while Ruby rewound what he had been doing on her face previously.

"No thanks," he answered flatly.


It was Joseph's brilliant idea to send a convoy of three cars to the front entrance and leave a swarm of paparazzi in their wakes, while they enter through the less-visible entrance. Still, her terror didn't go unnoticed by Mrs Warner. "Darling, if you don't feel comfortable answering any of their questions, then don't."

Ruby bobbed her head, smiling.

The hotel staff welcomed them, and one of their manager who gave a tough competition to Joseph's good looks sidled the crowd and greeted Mrs. Warner through a handshake. "Ma'am, I heartily welcome you to Hotel Pullman." His green, smiley eyes set on Ruby next, waiting for them to land on his face which sadly didn't happen.

Ruby was breathing in and out, in and out. Every time Joseph lifted his hand he wanted to bite his nails but somehow fought against the urge. How was she going to deal with it? He thought.

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