Chapter 3: Playing With Fire

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I jumped in my seat and turned around to find possibly one of the sexiest guys I’ve ever met. I admit, I had searched him in Google Images before I came, so I knew what I would be dealing with, but he was just so much better in person!

His jet black hair curled slightly at the ends and his liquid brown-gold eyes twinkled as he assessed me. A smirk sat on his sharp face and his well-defined muscles showed through his thin white V neck tee.

I cursed myself, horrified I was actually checking him out. But I knew I wasn’t going to fall for him – I wanted a real guy, a gentleman. That guy who tells you you’re beautiful everyday, kisses you in the pouring rain and remembers your birthday (yes, I’m a bit of a romantic) but by the looks of it, the famous Henry Parker was nothing like that.

I mean, c’mon, a gentleman definitely doesn’t smirk. So, I straightened my back and lifted my gaze to his. Be confident, Lainie!

“You must be Henry,” I answered coolly.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Steve’s bemused face at our odd exchange.

“Of course, who wouldn’t know me?”

With that, he strode carelessly into the kitchen, while I sat there just a little bit flustered. Ok, so the thought about an owner of a beautiful mansion must be beautiful (inside) too, was definitely wrong. He seemed so shallow, so callous.

Steve sighed. “Ignore his narcissism. I’ll take your bags up to your room and you can go into the kitchen and maybe talk to him.”

I grimaced. “Can’t I see my room now?”

Steve laughed my reaction. “Later.”

I groaned loudly, just so he could hear how much I didn’t want to talk to Henry, even thought I knew it wouldn’t work. I trudged into the kitchen and found Henry leaning against the kitchen island, sipping a glass of lemonade.

My entire mood had changed since I had met Henry … in a bad way, of course.

I plopped myself on the stool by the island and an awkward silence followed. Well, it was awkward to me but to Henry I guess it wasn’t, since he was staring out of the kitchen window without a care in the world and into his fabulous backyard.

He turned back to me and studied me, making me uncomfortable. Too uncomfortable.

“You know what’s a shame?” Henry asked.

Wow, he actually didn’t say something … mean. Even though he had only said a sentence to me before, it had made me immediately assume he was a cad.


“When your fake fiancée isn’t even pretty,” he replied, shaking his head. I didn’t think of myself as pretty but did he really have to say it to my face?

“You have a chest as flat as a pancake,” he continued, grimacing.

I clenched my fist. OK, that was it!

“Excuse me?!” I exclaimed. “For your information, I am not! Just look at you! I don’t know how you won the award for hottest bachelor of the year; you’re not even hot.”

Alright, so that was just a teeny lie, but I wasn’t going to back down from the egoistic jerk.

“Ouch,” Henry replied, running a hand over his biceps. “Are you blind? Can't you see my babies?”

“You mean your biceps?”

He nodded. “Want to see my other babies?”

I was confused for a second, but then he started to lift his shirt up and I yelped and covered my eyes. I mean, who knew what was under there?! He probably had some sort of sixteen-pack. Even though all I wanted was a gentleman, hot, hard abs unfortunately made any girl weak.

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