Dear bully 20

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Dear Bully,
I used the blade the pain never felt so refreshing.
I missed the sweet feeling of pain
It was mesmerizing.
My mom called me for dinner I had to stop, I felt sick I couldn't eat if not I would gain extra I can't gain more no, no ,no ,no.
I was full on panicking then I remembered I could easily purge myself a skill of mine that I took pride in.
Dinner was terrible I felt like puking on the table but held back Mum can never know.

***Ella's pov***

This is it I'll finally end it
All my pain my suffering all coming to an end tonight.

I went to the bathroom laid in the bathtub that I had filled earlier with water, the blade in one hand the other a bottle of Xanax I planned to over dose on in the other.
Making myself comfortable in the bathtub I drew a long line from my arm to my wrist, quickly swallowing the pills right after before dunking my head underneath the water.

I have to make sure I die as quick as possible before mother can come looking for m-me.

My thoughts were all over the place






Gasping for air I jerk awake in the tub filled with water the blade still in my hand and the pills in the other.

Realising I fell asleep, I quickly return the pills into the bottle, drained the water and hid the blade.

I couldn't do it.

I curled up in a corner and sobbed

I was too much coward to take my life.

The dream felt so real.

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