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Containing my disappointment at the loss of his warmth, I continued, "But me loving you doesn't mean you are forced to do the same back to me. I know it is overwhelming for you but I confessed because I wanted you to know the real extent of my feelings for you. I will not back away whatever you do except on two situations.
First, if you start loving someone else. And second, if you yourself ask me to leave!
But I will now, never stop loving you!"

He stayed silent and frozen looking in the other direction while I said all this. He said he doesn't do love. But I don't believe him.
Everything he does for me is too beautiful to be not love!

I looked at him for one last time, before slowly walking away from me. He needs distance from me to think clearly.

I walked to the road hoping to get some bus, but there was none in sight.
Well, there was a silent breeze inside me, and I for the first time felt free. Free from all the feelings that were eating me.

I smiled to myself and started walking on the deserted road feeling the nature and life.
Now when I have told him how much I love him, I wouldn't mind if he asks me to leave.

Eric Ashton has scarred me, and made me unavailable to all the men out there. It is either him or no one. But this is what I love about him. The sun was already setting and the air was becoming cold.

I wouldn't have walked even half a kilometre when I heard loud honks from the car.
I chuckled and stopped to wait as he pulled over his car.

In no time, he was out the car seething, "Erica are you fucking insane!!! Why did you leave?? You were going to walk ten miles alone in this deserted road!! God! What will I do with you!?"

I was amused but didn't dare laugh. That would irk him more.
Instead I tiptoed and kissed on the corner of his lips, "I knew you will come..."

He stood there frozen for a while, and I took my seat in his car.

Seconds later, he came in with a frown and started driving.

Someone would think why I am not nervous about what he will respond to my love proposal. But I don't really care. What is the worse he can do? Ask me to leave. But when I see how he goes berserk when I leave his sight even for a minute somewhere assures me, that I am not loving a wrong person.
My hope that he will love me back one day, sores high as sky.

He was silent all the way, and I didn't disturb his peace. Once he parked in the parking lot of Ashton's, I attempted to get out of the car, but failed as I was pulled back.

His eyes were troubled as they looked at me. And I couldn't help but be concerned for him.
"What happened Eric?"

He gulped, "W...will you leave me...if I say that....I ....that I need time...time to sort myself....to understand....this.. between us?", He pointed between us.

I grinned widely and leaned more to place a kiss on his lips.
"You, Mr. Ashton are not going to get so fortunate anytime soon!", Another kiss, "Because I will never leave you....", one more, "....take a lifetime to sort yourself...", one more, "...and if you can't do it yourself, then I am here!"

Our moment is interrupted when someone knocks on my window.
I turned immediately to see David standing there with a smirk, "Car sex is not comfortable especially when you're sitting on the front seat. And I am talking from experience!"

"Gross David!!", I commented coming out of the car.

"Oh Erica! It wouldn't be gross when you'll be with Eric! I see my boy has played his magic. You were kissing him as if he is the last meal on earth!"

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