Seven: Part Two

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Opening the large doors that accessed the rooftop, a cool breeze promptly greeted (Y/n), bringing a smile to her face as it blew her (h/c) strands all over the place. As the (h/c) haired girl looked around the rooftop perimeter, she was confused to not see her American friend up there, but instead a single girl. Sitting alone on a bench placed in the far corner of the area. From the distance that she was, (Y/n) could tell that the girl definitely went to Aldera, but something about her uniform was just a bit...strange. In fact, the girl's all around appearance was.

        Unlike the rest of the girls who wore the uniform, this girl's skirt was longer. Way longer. It reached around her ankles and was torn a bit at the edges, displaying the girl's white socks-as it appeared she wasn't wearing shoes. She had long, stringy, dark hair that reached past her shoulders and pretty golden eyes that reflected in the sunlight. Strangely enough though, as the sun beamed down on her, the girl's blank stare continued to bore into nothing. She seemed out of it, like something was on her mind. Curious, (Y/n) approached her.

      "Hi!" Seemingly taken by surprise, the girl flinched, blinking rapidly and turning to the direction she heard (Y/n)'s chirpy voice. Turning her head, the girl yelped when seeing how close in proximity (Y/n)'s face was to hers as she fell off the bench. Clutching her shirt, the now frazzled girl took deep breaths as she stared at the floor, eyes dilated. Taken aback at the girl's reaction, (Y/n) stepped back to give the girl space before offering her a hand to stand up. "Gosh, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" She watched the girl take in a few more breaths before she looked up to make eye contact with her, golden eyes widening for the second time that day, but only for a second. A confused expression adorned her face as she looked around the rooftop, then back to (Y/n). "Yo-you can see me?" She asked. For some reason, the girl was shocked. 'What a silly question,' The (h/t) girl thought slightly smiling as she responded. "Yeah, why wouldn't I? Do you need help? I can bring you to the nurses office. 'Once I find it...'" She kept her hand out, offering it to the still unknown girl, but let it rest at her side as she stood up on her own, rubbing her temples as she sighed.

      "No I'm fine I just-..." Analyzing (Y/n), the mysterious girl cut herself off and asked a different question. "Who are you?" Tilting her head, (Y/n) took a second before realizing she never introduced herself to the stranger. "Oh, sorry! I'm (Y/n) (L/n). I'm actually looking for a girl named Adelaide Rowan. You seen her around here?" The black haired female hesitantly shook her head while rubbing the back of her neck. "No, I um, don't really know anyone here.." she trailed off, looking away from the bright (e/c) eyes that gazed at her.

       Assuming that she was also a first year, (Y/n) giggled. "Well I guess we're one in the same there then. What's your name anyway?" The question seemed to catch the girl off guard. She froze up as her eyes dilated and stared off to space again, though this time, the expression on her face was comprehensible. It was a face of despair. A face that (Y/n) had yet to see or express, but a face that Nanashi knew all too well. His brows furrowed as he went to stand in front of (Y/n). He had yet to move a muscle before the girl's expression disappeared just as quick as it came. Her eyes glazed over as a solemn expression dressed her face. Shaking her head, she mumbled, "..gai" She let her head drop as (Y/n) peered at her inquisitively, unsure if she heard correctly. "Huh? What'd you say?" she asked. A second of silence passed by as the girl lifted her head, face slightly flushed. She repeated herself. "My parents named me...Machigai"

      Blinking, (Y/n) analyzed Machigai's flustered expression and smiled slightly. Sitting back down on the bench, the (h/c) haired girl patted the spot next to her. "Well, Igai, you think you can keep me company until my friend shows up? It wont be long, promise." Sighing, Machigai shrugged her shoulders and sat down next to the (s/t) girl. Soon enough, the two engaged into friendly chatter.

     Minutes went by as (Y/n) lost track of time and forgot why she'd come to the rooftop in the first place. Though her memory was refreshed as the doors to the roof had opened.

       "This has been...nice. Thanks (Y/n)," Machigai sighed, seeming exhausted for some reason. The long haired girl was surprised when she felt an arm swing around her, (s/t) hand pushing her head down onto the other first year's shoulder. "No problem Machi. It's was friends are for right?" The question appeared to shocked the pale girl for a second as (Y/n) felt her tense up, before relaxing. The bright blush contrasted against Machigai's pale face as she smiled. Choosing to enjoy the moment for however long it lasted, she closed her eyes and breathed deeply. "Yeah. Friends."

     "Yo, (L/n)? You up here?" The monotone voice of a familiar transfer student's voice rang out across the rooftop, startling the two girls from their peaceful moment. Looking over to where she heard Adelaide's voice, the shorter girl waved rapidly with a beaming smile. "Hey Adelaide! Over here!"

     Turning her attention to the curly haired female that started walking in her direction, she didn't notice the air around her get slightly warmer. Finally approaching the medium, Adelaide smirked, showing off her canines. "Sorry I'm late, I got sidetracked. Who were you talking to?" She asked, face showing an expression of curiosity and slight concern. Realizing the two had company, (Y/n) beamed, excited to start a new friend group in her new school. "Oh yeah! Adele, meet-" Jumping up, the lively girl paused mid sentence as she realized her black haired friend was nowhere to be seen. Glancing around the rooftop, she confirmed that thought. Not wanting to seem crazy to her new friend, the girl let it go for the time being as she turned to face the American. "Nothing! Never mind," She shook her head dismissively, earning even more confused looks from the girl. "Right..."

     Sensing the tension in the air, Adelaide chose to change the topic instead of interrogating the strange girl. "Anyways, I don't really wanna stay in this one area when there's so much to explore up here. Walk with me?" Smiling, (Y/n) nodded rapidly and the two made their journey to the rooftop edge. As Adelaide leaned against the fencing around the edge, (Y/n) noticed something on the floor out of the corner of her eye.

     Turning her attention to the object, she tilted her head seeing a bouquet of withered lilies on the floor. Crouching down, she noticed that their was something under the bouquet. A piece of paper is what it looked like. Gently, (Y/n)'s (s/c) hands moved the lilies and picked up the slip of paper. Judging on how it felt, it was a flipped over photograph which read 'Gone but never forgotten.' Now curious, she flipped the photograph over and felt her heart drop. The girl furrowed her eyebrows as she recognized the person on the photo.


Machigai - Mistake

*Lily- Commonly known as the "Flower of Sadness"

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