Chapter 5

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Your POV

"Hi. I just wanted to say I'm sorry. Are you alright?" he asked kindly, walking closer to you slowly. How were you supposed to respond to that? This man, who is supposed to be your soulmate, had no idea that you were his. And he seemed far too good for a broken girl. How do you explain to your soulmate that you were crying because of him and that he was probably better of without you?

So you simply stuck to shaking your head, hoping he would get the message and leave. Instead, he took it as an invite to sit down next to you. You scooched further to your right, both to give him space and get as far away from him as you could.

He wouldn't understand. Few people did. It was the reason you only really had your family and Ivy. No one else could stand to be around someone who never spoke. Heartbreaking, yes, but believed you were lucky to at least have those four in your life. And besides, you were used to it. It'd been that way since you could remember and longer.

He was still staring at you and you realized you still had yet to answer his question. You just nodded your head, hoping that would be enough to make him go away. But he still stayed glued to the bench.

"You don't talk much, do you?" he asked, tilting his head. You felt your heart pang and shook your head. An idea popped into your mind and you ruffled around in your bag before pulling out a notebook and pen triumphantly.

"I'm mute," you scribbled down on a blank page and handed it to him. He read the words and you saw the light turn on in his head. His eyes suddenly widened in shame and he ducked his head.

"Sorry about that comment. About you not talking much. That was rude," he said. His voice sounded eerily familiar, but you couldn't figure out exactly where you'd heard it before.

"It's fine. I'm used to it," you wrote.

"Well, you shouldn't be," he smiled softly at you. That was a first. Where had this adorable sweet man come from?

"I'm Y/N," you wrote. He smiled a gummy smile at the sight of your name.

"Y/N. That's a pretty name," he said.

"What's your name?" you asked.

"Uh, Yoosung. Nice to meet you."

"Same," you wrote. You put the pen in your lap and opened and closed it a few times. Dang. You hadn't written by hand this much since college essays.

"So are you actually okay? The coffee looked really hot and you were crying so I thought you get burned really bad," he explained, looking at you gently. Aw. How sweet. He came to check on you. You really didn't deserve him.

"It's fine. It's pretty cold outside, so I cooled off fast," you answered.

"That's good. So, if you weren't in pain, if I may ask, why were you crying? You seemed really hurt when you ran out of the cafe," Yoosung inquired. You winced a little as you were reminded of exactly why you had run away. "You don't have to tell me. I understand if it's something personal," Yoosung added, watching you hesitate to answer.

You shook your head at him and grabbed the notebook. "Read it," you wrote, handing him the notebook and putting out your right hand.

You saw his eyes go wide and you looked away, not wanting to see the expression on his face when he read the words. You felt him hesitate, debating whether or not to lift your sleeve.

Finally, you felt his hand touch yours. It was surprisingly warm and felt nice compared to the chilly weather. The cold wind hit your wrist as he slowly exposed it to the air and you shivered lightly, though that part wasn't completely due to the temperature. The sleeve of your cardigan lifted another inch and you heard his audible gasp as the words registered in his mind.

"Y/N," he called. You still refused to turn your head and look at him. "Y/N, look at me. Please," he begged softly. You caved and glanced at his face, seeing him staring intensely at you.

"It's fine. I get it. I'm not what you were expecting. I'm broken. It's okay. You don't have to apologize for not wanting me," you scribbled quickly. His eyes scrunched at your words.

"Y/N. You're right. You're not what I was expecting. You're so much better. And you're not the only broken one," he said kindly, holding out his wrist for you to read. You glanced at the outstretched arm and then looked back to his face. He was serious.

Truthfully, you were very curious as to what it would say. You raised his sleeve and blinked in shock. It was blank. The sign of no soulmate, except in this case. He hadn't been expecting anyone at all.

Yoongi suddenly hissed and pulled his wrist back, clutching it in pain. You covered your mouth in fear, afraid that you had hurt him somehow.

He held out his wrist in front of him and you both stared in shock as dark blue ink began etching itself into his skin.

First Words (BTS - Yoongi x Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα