Chapter 70: I'm not

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Both Shilolin and Gaia were at this time in the same season, summer, more accurately, midsummer.

At Shilolin's capital city, the originally still bright and beautiful sky was gradually becoming covered by clouds. The dark and thick clouds blocked the sunlight and made the city dim as well.

Although raindrops had yet to fall, from the color of the sky it looked like there was going to be heavy rain.

The moment the first drop fell, in an instant, rapid rain started pouring down over the city, enshrouding it in a curtain of rain.

Just as it was getting dark outside, Morrison glanced out of the window to check the weather.

The laili cub who had waddled after him and was next to his leg must have been more sensitive to weather changes. As if scared, the cub opened his wings on both sides of his body, just like small short arms, and hugged the leg of the adult next to him.

He had intended to brew milk for the cub, but looking at the situation, it would have to wait. Morrison bent down to once more pick up the cub.

As soon as he was picked up, the laili cub drilled into the embrace of the adult holding him and buried his head in the chest of the latter. The thick fluff covering his body had begun to quiver slightly.

When a flash of lightning then suddenly lit up the sky, followed by the roaring of thunder a few seconds later, the laili cub at once lightly trembled out of fear in the adult's arms, he also gave a more clear reaction.

"Gu! Gu-Ji—" The wings that had been calmly hanging at his sides began to move. The cub repeatedly slapped at the adult carrying him in his embrace and issued a tender and crisp call as he did this.

"Don't be afraid."

Saying these words in a steady voice, Morrison adjusted his posture and barely managed to pat the cub's fluffy back with his right hand.

The expression on his face was not the least bit gentle, but the man in the Star Alliance uniform could be said to truly be patiently taking care of the cub in his embrace. If the people at the Star Alliance military department saw the current scene, they would most likely not believe their eyes.

Not knowing how to comfort the cub, when the laili cub was frightened by the thunder, Morrison could only hold the cub like this.

He didn't know what more to say to comfort the cub. Holding the cub a little tighter, Morrison just repeated the words "don't be afraid".

Probably at last feeling a sense of security from the soothing voice and the light pat on his back, the laili cub, who had his head buried in the other's chest, slowly stopped trembling.

But he still couldn't settle down completely. The cub instinctively continued slapping his little wings against the adult so that the man holding him would pat his back again like just now.

On rainy days like these, the pain at the end of Morrison's severed arm would suddenly become several times more clear. But he did not wince nor did his face change color as he endured the piercing pain. Instead, the soon to be retired soldier did as instructed and moved his right hand to once more touch the back of the cub in his arms.

The inconvenience of having only one arm was becoming more clear at this time. He now needed to hold the cub, so Morrison couldn't prepare food for him.

The retirement application submitted to the military department was very soon approved. Just two days later the corresponding process was completed and Morrison at once received a reply from his superiors.

When all was said and done, it was a retirement filed on the basis of physical disability. Even if the higher-ups thought highly of his ability and wanted him to stay, they were still going to approve the application under these circumstances.

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