chapter three

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Jialia's POV

After Jian's surgery and Xiaojun donating his blood to him. Jian is now in a regular patient room. I'm in the room, laying my head on the back of my hand that is on Jian's bed as I wait for Yuyan. I hear the door open and comes in Yuyan, Xiaojun and Hendery. I look at Xiaojun and we both made eye contact. There are some physical features of Xiaojun that reminds me of Jian.

"I got the hospital bill." Yuyan walks over towards me and hands me the bill.

"Thank you." I say then grab the bill and put it in my bag. I get up. "Umm...."

"How is he? Is he good?" Xiaojun asks as he hold the cotton on the place where they injected him.

"Yeah. He's doing good. Are you doing good? It must of hurt when you were getting injected." I say.

"I'm doing very well. A bit dizzy, but I should be fine throughout the day since I'm not doing anything." Xiaojun says.

"Thank you for donating your blood to Jian since he lacked blood because of the accident. I am very thankful to you. Thank you once again." I smile.

"Anytime." Xiaojun smiles back.

"Jialia! I have something to tell you. Follow me." Yuyan grabs my shirts and drags me out of the room.

XiaoJun's POV

Yuyan and Jialia leaves the room with Hendery and I in the room now.

"He looks so much like me when I was younger Hendery." I say looking at Jian. Hendery looks.

"He does look like you when you were younger! That's scary. Maybe he could be your long lost son." Hendery jokes.

"Don't joke around. He really looks like me." I say.

"Let's go back before the members and news reporter suspect something!" Hendery says.

"Oh right! You're right!" I say. I totally forgot all about them. Thank god Hendery still have the bags in his hands. Even the ones I've dropped.

Jialia's POV

Yuyan is still dragging me far away from my son's room. She stopped at an isolated place with huge windows and seats. She looks around.

"Why did you drag me this far?" I ask.

Yuyan grabs Xiaojun's necklace out of her pocket and a bag of hair labeled Xiaojun's hair pieces. I look at her in confusion.

"What is this?" I ask.

"Don't act dumb now. You clearly saw that Xiaojun and Jian looks alike. Very similar! He could be the father of Jian, Jialia." Yuyan says. "I saw you looking at his necklace too."

I take the necklace that Yuyan is holding, open my bag and search for the necklace that I've been holding on for 4 years. When I find it, I see the similarities of both necklace. On Xiaojun's necklace his is silver and his name is written on it. The necklace that I have, it is also silver and has a name written on it. The name on this necklace sounds like a girls name, Fenfang. I connect the heart together and the magnet clicks together.

"Hey! Does this mean the necklace you've been holding on belongs to Xiaojun?!" Yuyan says in complete shock.

I turn the necklace around to see the words 'I love you'. I notice that the V is split in half when I pulled it apart. The v is in half because half the V is on Xiaojun's side and the other V is on Fenfang's side. The words Xiaojun have is I Lov, half V and on Fenfeng side half V and E then You. When it's snapped together, the V connects. This must mean that they were a couple before he debuted. Our accident was before he debuted. He must of held this during our accident.

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