Chapter Ten: Interviews-part 2

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I almost fall asleep during the other interviews-they're just so long. I notice though the camera flitting between Glimmer, Cato and Clove. That amuses me-I don't know how Glimmer will keep up the act in the arena.

Then it gets to District 12 and I force myself to concentrate because so far, they've surprised me at every turn. Katniss's interview isn't that interesting though, just involves her spinning around in her dress, so I feel bored when it's Peeta's turn.

But Peeta's interview is a shock. In front of all of Panem, he professes his love for Katniss. They've outdone us again! There goes Glimmer's plan for a love triangle to interest the capitol. Now, this star-crossed lover idea is going to steal all the sponsors. It's obvious that it's so well-rehearsed and the audience just buy it hook, line and sinker-Katniss's blush, her lowering her eyes, Peeta sitting there, embarrassed. It would almost be comic if they wasn't stealing my sponsors. It strikes me that perhaps it's not Cato I should be afraid of but Katniss and Peeta. 

When we watch the re-cap of the Interviews on the television back in our lounge, Glimmer is literally spluttering with range. 

"That was my idea!" she cries, "The whole Romance thing! They've stolen my angle!"

Gloss and Cashmere exchange glances and sigh. 

"This District Twelve pair is really becoming a nuisance," says Gloss. 

"You're telling me!" yells Glimmer, close to tears. 

"But no matter what happens, you'll always be the stars, " says Gwen, trying to lift our spirits up. We stare at her. 

"Effie Trinket's been complaining to me, "she says brightly, "She's chaperoning the District Twelve pair. Apparently no one wants to support them because they're from the coal district."

"Well at least there's that advantage," sighs Cashmere. 

I'm feeling miserable. My entire life I've trained for these games and my dream of becoming victor is being ruined by Katniss and Peeta, just because they have amazing stylists and do well in the interviews-Oh and Katniss got an 11, I can't ignore that. But it all seems so unfair. 

"Right," says Gloss, "We need a plan for the Games."

"They're just going to beat us again, " moans Glimmer, whilst I nod. 

"That's not the attitude," snaps Gwen. She's probably never been let down by tributes from her favourite district like this before. 

"You need to remember, " says Gloss calmly, "That they're from District Twelve."

"That's why this is so humiliating, " complains Glimmer bitterly. 

"I know," says Gloss, "But remember they've had no training. They're at a complete disadvantage. Even if the girl knows how to fight well enough to score an 11, she probably doesn't know what's it like to kill and probably doesn't know what to do in a stressful situation. So here's the plan. We are going to stick to what I usually tell my tributes. Aim to get control of the Cornucopia and the supplies around it. Grab a weapon as quickly as you can and kill as many people as you can."

"So you're saying try and kill Katniss and Peeta at the Cornucopia?" I ask. 

"No, I'm saying make yourself look intimidating and make your presence known. Katniss and Peeta will probably be scared and won't want to risk going near the Cornucopia. Which means they probably won't be able to get their hands on a weapon and won't be a threat. After that, when you come across them later on in the games, they'll be easy to kill."

"And what if they do go for a weapon?" asks Glimmer. 

"Then they'll probably get themselves killed. They don't have the experience, " says Gloss confidently, "Either way, it's a win-win situation."

"And, " says Cashmere, "You've got to remember that the romance is the only thing getting them sponsors. The moment they're not together or one of them dies, it's unlikely people will want to sponsor them."

"And I doubt that they would want to spend time together anyway," says Gloss, "Their mentor, Haymitch, probably forced them into this romance thing. He's finally decided to help his tributes which is why he's probably trying to make them seem extra special. And besides, the only districts that tend to make alliances is Districts 1,2 and 4 because the other districts don't have a strategy." Cashmere nods in agreement. 

"You see, " beams Gwen Maple," everything will be fine!"

"And one more thing," says Gloss," You've been training your whole lives for this, so when you get out there tomorrow, try and enjoy it."

"It's your time to shine," says Cashmere. 

Glimmer and I say our goodbyes to them and then walk down the corridor to our rooms. 

"See you tomorrow, " I say to her. It's the first time I've spoken to her alone and it makes me feel uncomfortable but as we're going to be in an alliance, we might as well be on good terms. 

"Marvel..." she turns to me, and see her green eyes are full of fear. 

"What?" I ask, surprised. I've never seen Glimmer look scared before. 

But then she assumes a haughty arrogant look, which is habitual to her and says, "Nothing." She goes into her room and shuts the door. 

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