❥Chapter 13

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You get up from the ground which made Aiden stop chewing on his food, he swallows his food quickly so he could ask before you leave, "hey you're not gonna eat anymore?"

You turn to him and shake your head, "no, I'm gonna look for Helen, you can keep the food if you want."

Aiden only looked at you surprised then the food, he didn't say anything as he only kept looking at your food.

You didn't say anything else and made your way to look for Helen, your eyes scanning every place to see if the black haired boy was anywhere around here but nothing.

You sighed as you kept walking, hoping to find him on time before lunch was over.


"What was all that about back there?" You ask.

You were lucky enough to find Helen, he was inside the school, just away from the cafeteria sitting under the stairs of the school. Though he was more silent than usual and it started to worry you that he wanted to stay away from you.

He moves a bit to sit a little closer to you and looks at you with his tired eyes, "I don't know, never expected that to happen."

After that response you didn't say anything, silence between you and him filling the air as the chatter of students from the cafeteria could be heard softly in the background, you look at Helen and put your hand on his shoulder, "I don't believe that you stole that watch."

That startled Helen, but that was enough for him to calm down, he was more than happy to know that you were sure he didn't put that watch in his bag, and hopefully it stays that way.


Hours passed and instead of spending time with Tom and Aiden you decided to spend it on Helen, as classes started all you received were glances and whispers, but you quickly ignored them, your focus only on Helen as he kept talking about his day, his small smile showing relief and paid no mind to his classmates staring at him.

There was no way these rumors would ruin what you already had with Helen, he was too nice for him to do such thing, and you made sure to keep it that way no matter what your friends or classmates said.

Until a few days passed, it started with a few rumours then it went to students walking up to Helen and purposely asking him dumb questions, then it went to smacking him in the head.

Your classmates just threw a few glances at you but they still didn't pay that much attention to you, as they seemed to have found a new toy to play with.

The only thing Helen could do was lower his head as his cold blue eyes stared at his attackers.

You looked at Tom with worried eyes but he seemed to pay no mind, ignoring you as he just stared at his notebook, then your eyes shifted to Aiden, only for him to give you a look of petty then looked down.

You eyebrows furrowed, frustrated that your friends didn't want to help you, you turn to Helen who was already staring at you, a look that you never saw in him, such a soft look that made you feel guilty for not helping him.

You only forced a smile, a fake smile to at least cheer Helen up, luckily he did smiled back but then he quickly turned his head away as another student passed by.

This was a rough week for Helen, all those classmates that used to ask for answers or to draw them something suddenly turned against him, leaving him completely alone and stabbing his back in a snap of a finger.

He didn't care, he was fine as long as you still kept in mind that he wasn't the one who stole that watch.


"Tom! Stop!" You yell out his name, classes ended and Tom was the first one to get out of that class as fast as he could, and as always Aiden tailing behind him, he froze a little but still kept walking trying to ignore your calls.

After all those rumours started Tom has been ignoring for a few days and so was Aiden but he failed miserably at it.

"Tom, we need to talk!" You yell out, luckily you reached him and quickly step in front of him, "why are you ignoring me all of the sudden?!" You looked at both of them for an answer, but nothing.

Aiden tried so hard to not look at you in the eye, as if some sort of guilt was going on in him.

But Tom finally stepped up and opened his mouth to answer, his face showing anger as soon as he made eye contact with you, "wanna know why, (Y/n)?" He asks in a defensive tone, "you've been hanging out with someone who has done nothing but steal things!" He yells out, bringing attention.

You look at Tom in disbelief, "what do you mean he steal things? He hasn't done—" but it seemed like Tom wasn't done as he cuts you off.

He stepped closer to you, trying to shadow your figure, trying to dominate you with his height, "I warned you weeks ago, you're just defending a thief because you like him!"

You stayed in silent, your face burning hot in anger, this wasn't the Tom you knew days ago and the way he was acting made your blood boil.

"Stay away from me and Aiden, get bullied all you want since you want so much trouble." He says and walks past you, "come on, Aiden stay away from (Y/n) unless you want trouble too."

Aiden still stayed, another look of pity in his eyes as he looked at you, though before he walked away he quickly takes a piece of paper out of his pocket and grabs your hand gently and puts the paper on the palm of your hand.

And just with that he walks away, following Tom like a puppy.

You couldn't even finish your argument with him, he just left you with so many students having their eyes on you as they walked past you, leaving the school.

What if they were actually right about Helen?

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