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Finally reaching my house, I drive up the driveway and quickly spot the silver Bentley parked in front of us. A bubble of disappointment washes over me as I park my own car behind the flashier one, looking at Dani I give her a desperate look, "Seems like mom is home."

"Yeah, let's just get it over with and run to your room."

I nod and grab my backpack, leaving the car, her and I walk in silence into my house. Trying to be as quiet as possible when we take the stairs slowly, two at a time. Our ninja session is cut short by the person dramatically clearing a throat behind us. I freeze and turn around, smirking at my mother, "Hi mom."

She crosses her arms in front of her chest, a frown etches onto her dark features, "What do you think you are doing?"

Dani shrugs and I do, too. 

"Listen, we are just silently escaping to my room, now let us be."

My mom hasn't always been like this. She used to be very sweet and welcoming, just a warm and comfortable person to be around. Now with the news of my dad's disease and the added liquor, she has turned on us. Turning into this conceited, snobby, drunk person, with no regards of anyone but herself. I don't get why, it kind of hurts that she seemingly hates me so much. 

I thought I knew my mom and who she was, that was until she criticized me for my ugly clothes and how it won't bring her reputation up. Her daughter needs to be this perfect little girl and I am really not, my fingers are burning to leave home and move away from this hellhole. 

Another reason why I'm counting the days till college starts. I am taking psychology as a major, it's my mom's wish, but I honestly do not care what I'm studying. As long as I get a chance to leave her. 

She raises a perfect brow, her red eyes expose her, "You two aren't good for each other, and Daniella, you are pulling my daughter down into your pathetic mess. Do you not have some homework to complete?"

Dani steps in, "Penelope, they let us off easy today since it's the first day. Dakota and I were going upstairs to relax after a long day."

My mother's usual pale skin reddens in anger as she points a finger at my best friend, "I do not appreciate the tone. Firstly, it is Mrs. Moore to you. Secondly, I believe my daughter is perfectly capable of talking for herself."

Dani scoffs, taking a few steps down the stairs, "Listen, Penelope, which I have been calling you since middle school by the way. Dakota and I are going upstairs to enjoy our day, much appreciated if you could shut that little tram-"

Grabbing her arm, I roughly tug her upstairs with me, effectively cutting off her sentence. I don't stop pulling on her until we are in my room, where I slam the door shut. My body moves on instinct as I land on my bed, yelling into the pillow I get all the frustration out. The anger slowly leaves me, my breathing returns to normal and I look at Dani.

"I am so sorry she is behaving like that. Of course you aren't a bad influence on me, if anything I am the rude and negative one," I explain to her with a sad nod. 

She shakes her head and lays down next to me, "I don't know why she has turned into whatever that is, but it isn't your fault. Don't apologize for your mother being a bitch."

Dani hasn't caught on to my mom's problems with alcohol and I'm not willing to tell her, it would be another reason for her to pity me and I hate it already. This will not be one more reason for me to be the sad, little girl. 

Sitting up against the headboard I turn on the television, where some reality show is playing. The first scene is a guy swapping saliva with a girl, the zoom in on their tongues really isn't appreciated. This always weirds me out, I never understood why people want to expose themselves like that. As if a first kiss isn't awkward enough without cameras zooming in on every flick your tongue makes. 

"Kota," Dani starts and I nod at her to continue, "If you don't want to party, I totally understand. You should spend some time with your dad, I am sorry I spewed out those words today, it is not my decision to make."

I shake my head at her, "Usually, I would visit my dad and spend my Friday night with him, but my mom booked him for this week. Apparently, she wants all documents out of the way and make sure his wishes for a funeral are fulfilled, I don't want to be there while that is happening."

Forcing myself not to tear up I smile at her instead, it won't help any of us if I break down completely. It isn't the time nor the place, too much is going on. 

"Just know, you can always say no."

I throw myself onto my back, where she soon enough joins me, "This a weird phase, Dani. I can't expect you to change your attitude over something that's happening in my life, that is unfair to you."

She scoffs loudly, "Zach is the best man I have ever met, you cannot not expect me to be affected by it. He is your dad, Kota, it's okay to be sad. I haven't even seen you cry over it yet."

"I do cry."

"I don't believe you do, no. You are pushing it away."

I turn onto my side and face her, "What makes you so sure?"

She copies my movements again and raises her eyebrows, "I have known you for so long now, you have to process that these things are happening. It won't end well if you don't."

"I am sorry, did I just mistake you for my non existent therapist?" I tease, trying to lighten the mood.

"Kota," She warns, "You are changing the subject again, I'm okay with it this time, but just remember to feel these emotions. They are huddling up."

"The only ones huddling are us, with my pillows, as we watch this pathetic reality show. No talking."

She sighs as I ignore her trying to jab at my emotions, she is only trying to help, but I'm managing just fine on my own. Turning away I face the television and she does as well, this silence is exactly what I need right now. Just turning off my brain for a second. 

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