Chapter 45

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Chapter Forty Five

"Why does Tom constantly chase Jerry though? I understand he's a cat but throughout the show there's never a mention as to why they can't just be friends." Ethan argues.

"No, dude. If they got along then cats and mice are no longer rivals, they're friends. Plus, who wants to watch a silent show about a cat and mouse sipping tea like old buddies." Trace throws back.

I roll my eyes, "Guys, seriously. Does it matter?"

The two of them turn to me before simultaneously saying, "Yes."

They've been arguing about Tom and Jerry for over ten minutes. Neither of them can prove their point over whether or not Tom actually wants to eat Jerry or just needs to fulfill his role as a cat.

"All I'm saying is that most of the cartoons have a purpose or a set goal. Tom just chases Jerry around for no reason." Trace retorts.

Ethan looks at him in disapproval, "They do it for my entertainment!"

Trace laughs, "I know it's entertaining, but there just isn't a plot."

My goodness these two should start a reality show.

The bell rings and the three of us get up to go to next period.

I sling my bag across my shoulder and head to my literature class. Of all classes, that's the one I hate most.

"Hey Ems,"

I slow my pace when I hear Trace call from behind me.

"I have a question?" he asks hopeful.

"You know what I hate? When people start off a question with 'I have a question'. All it does is make me nervous and you know you'll ask it either way because now I'm curious." I pout and he rolls his eyes playfully at my dramatics.

"After school I'm going somewhere and I'd like it if you joined me." he says quickly, like if he waited any longer he'd change his mind about asking me.

"Where to?" I question.

He shrugs, "I guess if you really want to know then you'll agree to go with me because otherwise I'm not telling."

Oh, so he's playing the hard way.

Curse my nosiness towards him! Of course I want to know where he wants me to go with him after school!

"I'll meet you by your truck later?" I say and he nods with a smile. He knew I'd agree.

We separate and begin going to our assigned classes. Unfortunately, mine sucks.


"...And that, students, is why alcohol should not be in the urinals." Mr. Johnson, our principal, concludes over the intercom.

All I can think about is where Trace is taking me after school.

He seemed so serious about it and it seemed  like he really wanted me to go with him. I don't think it'll be a place that's necessarily fun but more meaningful given the way he acted while asking me.

Wherever he's planned for us to go, it's a place that's important to him.

The last bell rings and I gather my things before jumping up from the gym bleachers.

When I get outside, my eyes begin scanning the parking lot for Trace's truck. It's in it's usual parking spot in front of the field house.

Trace is leaning against it with his arms crossed. His hair is tousled from football and he's wearing a light weight jacket that's only zipped up from the middle down.

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