first glance

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Tavi opened her eyes and saw a man stareing at her. He looked at her with a concerned face, and even with a serious look on he was still handsome. "You okay ma" he asked. "Yea I'm fine" Tavi said thru slurred words. "You pregnant with blood coming out your head, you need to go to the hospital" he stated fimly. Tavi sat up and seen stars "I think your right" Tavi replied. "I got you" the handsome man said as he led Tavi to his car.

They rode the 10 minute ride in silence as Anthony Hamilton played in the background. Tavi layed back and thought about the events that had just took place. She shut her eyes tightly to stop the tears from falling and let the soft music of the R&B singer take her to another place for a short while. They pulled up in front of "Jefferson Medical Center" and the stranger opened the door for Tavi and placed her in a wheel chair. He pushed her inside and led her to the secretary desk.  "Hello" a elder black woman spoke "can I have your name to register you please" she asked. "LaTavi McDaniels" Tavi replied to the elderly lady. "What caused you to visit us today" the nurse asked. Tavi sat in silence for a moment. She didn't know if she wanted to tell the truth or make up a lie. "I got jumped by some girls walking down mlk" Tavi lied. The nurse eyed Tavi suspeciously, something told her that the young girls story was a lie. She had seen the story in Tavi's eyes far to many times. "Do you know any of the people that attached you" the nurse asked. "No" Tavi said shortly. "Okay mam' one second and one of the nurses will take you to a room to admit you" the nurse told Tavi. "Thank you" Tavi said. "Okay ma you be safe" he told Tavi. Tavi smiled and thanked the man. "I appreciate it". "No problem" he said as he walked towards the entrance door. "See you around".

Keyonis walked outside and headed to his Impala SS and pulled off. He called his cousin Hassie to see where he was at. "Yo" Hassie answered the phone "where you at cuz"? "I'm headed to you fam" something had come up. "Alright I'm over here on the north bout to set up shop" Hassie told Keyonis. "Bet I'll be that way". Keyonis said as he hung up. Keyonis drove back down mlk and lighted a pre-rolled blunt. He looked at his self and notice he had the woman's blood on him from earlier. He decided to stop at his room at the "Caijan Suites" and change.

Keyonis walked in the room and fell back on the plush bed. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He relaxed for a quick second and began to undress for his shower. Keyonis was handsome to say the least. Standing 6'1, Chocolate completion, eyes of a exotic cat,  and a perfect, white smile, with deep dimples. Yes, he was gorgeous. His rock hard abs and nine and a half inches to seal the deal will having any woman turning head over hills. Keyonis turned the hot water on and walked into the shower. He let the water run down his back and thought about the girl he had met earlier, Tavi. She was fine as hell even crying and lumped up. He wondered what really happened. He doubted she had been jumped but Keyonis was the type to mind his own business, but he couldn't help but wonder...

Keyonis got out the shower and got dressed. He threw on a all black champions jump suit and a pair of all black timbs.  It was November in Memphis and a fairly nice day. Keyonis drove down the street and saw a Kroger. He pulled inside the parking lot, went inside the store, and walked towards the flower section. He choose some white lilies. Those where his aunties favorite. She had always said that lilies reminded her of happiness, love and happiness. He thought maybe Tavi could find happiness too. He knew that what ever altercation had occured, it caused the girls spirit to be broken by the way she was crying a man's named "derrick". He wonder what was the story of the pretty lil pregnant girl he had saved only a couple of hours.

Keyonis walked back into Jefferson Medical Center with a dozen of white lilies, a get well card, two teddy bears, and some ballons. He walked back to the secretary's desk and smiled at the familiar old nurse. Looking at her name tag he read the name "Linda" and spoke to the elderly. "Hello Ms. Linda can you tell me what room LaTavi McDaniels is in" Keyonis asked. "One second baby" the nurse replied to keyonis. "I'm sorry sir but Ms. McDaniels has requested no visitors" the nurse said with a small sigh. Keyonis stood there for a minute wondering what he should do next. He figured he had come for nothing and was actually a little embarrassed. He didn't even know if shorty had a nigga, family, or nothing.  He just wanted to give her something to smile. So after a quick evaluation he decided to walk away. "I'll tell you what hunny, leave me her gifts and I'll make sure i personally hand them to her" the nurse spoke sweetly. Keyonis gave her a light grin and a nod. Wrote a little note on the card and handed it to the nurse. "Thank you mam" Keyonis said genuinely. "Your welcome young man, have a blessed day" the nurse said as she smile and waved goodbye. She knew when she saw love and she love all in Keyonis' eyes.

Ms. Linda walked towards room 325 and knocked lightly on the door. "It's nurse linda" the woman said "Come in" Tavi responded. Nurse Linda walked in with two teddy bears, a dozen of white roses, a get well card, and ton of ballons. Tavi sat up in shock wondering why would the lady do that for her? "Thank you, I don't know what to say" Tavi said. "There not from me, there from the man that brought you here" the nurse told tavi, and you wanted your information confidential so I couldn't give him your room number. Tavi thought back to having to do so to make sure Derrick couldn't get in touch with her. She smiled a sly smile as she took the gifts. She put her nose to the lilies where a note slipped out that read, "I hope these bring you happiness beautiful. Feel better soon. Call me when your up for it 9863257763 -Keyonis".  Tavi smiled as she thought of the sweet gesture. "He's very fond of you darling" the nurse spoke up. Tavi looked confused. "Believe me I know the look he had on his face. It was a look of love. Just like I saw the look in your eyes and I know those girls didn't jump you" the nurse said sternly. "Baby whatever you going through pray and give it to god.  Your about to be a mother, start a new chapter in your life, and trust me you don't want your son growing up thinking this is exceptable" the nurse said sounding like her grandmother instead of a nurse.  "I know ms. Linda I'm done, i cant go back this time I'm done.

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