Saying Goodbye? (Edited)

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Amaryllis and Jon spent every waking moment together. They toured the castle grounds. She knew of the glass gardens but seeing them in person was something different. She had wondered why there wasn't more of them here. The end of the week has come too soon for them. Neither wanted to say their goodbyes.
"I wished you were coming with us. You would love the country side everything's so lush and green. While it doesn't snow like here we get enough to fill the freezers for a year." I told him.
He looked confused. "What's a freezer"
"It's a cold place to store food to make it last longer. Meats especially. The workers we are sending to help you with the house will know how to build one. If Lord Stark says it's ok they can build one here as well." He wrapped her in a hug. Her raven colored hair blended in with his black cloak.
"Somebody call the maester. Young Bran has fallen. He won't wake up." The man yelled.
Jon stopped him from running by us.
"Where is he?"
"The old tower, the one he likes to climb." The man breathed out.
"I will go, go tell Lord Stark and Lady Catlyn and the maester to meet us in his rooms." Jon told the man before bolting in the direction the man came. I turned to my maid.
"Evie, go to my tent and bring my healing bag please, hurry." She sprinted off in the opposite direction, as I went to follow Jon. I quickly caught up to him as we neared the tower. There in a heap was Bran. I approached carefully looking for danger, finding none, I checked for a pulse. His was weak.
"Jon take off your cloak. We need to keep his body as level as possible." Jon took off his cloak and handed it to me. I laid it down next to Bran. "Now we need something hard and flat." Jon ran inside the tower. Hearing a few crashes he came back with that I assumed at one time was a table. I put it on his cloak then put mine on top. "Ok Jon now on the count of three we will lift him and put him on top. Ok one, two, three, lift." I grabbed Bran under his knees as Jon lifted under his arms keeping his back as straight as possible we laid him down on the makeshift stretcher. Using my whip I tied it around him so he wouldn't fall off. Gripping Jons cloak in our hands we made our way steadily back to the castle and too Brans room. Everyone was there waiting. I let the maester tend to him first.
"We will have to wait for him to wake before we know what happened." The maester spoke. I growled at the man.
"If you worked for me I would have you killed. It's obvious what happened and your just too inept to realize he was pushed. I've seen him climbing that tower every morning since I've been here. Never once have I seen him slip, he has a calculated path with foot holes and hand grips worn into the stones where he takes the same path every time. I saw where his body landed it was to far from the tower to be a simple fall. He's not stupid enough to jump. So it's obvious he saw something he shouldn't. Now if you excuse me I'm going to make sure that, that boy makes a full recovery. If left in your incompetent care, you would probably have him spend his life as a cripple." I glared at the maester who shrunk under my gaze. I grabbed my bag from Evie and went into the room. I watched as Sirius stopped Ned from following.
"My daughter has been trained in medicine from some of the best healers in Essos. This injury is one she's seen before. The man made a full recovery. Although it hurts when it storms, he lives a fully functioning life." Ned looked to his fellow father.
"He will really be ok?" Sirius nodded. Ned let out a realized breath. "Then let us all leave her to work." He ushered the other children out. "Sirius there's something we need to discuss, come with me. Robb, Jon, keep your siblings occupied while we wait." Sirius followed Ned back to his Solar, where he discreetly threw up privacy wards and a reveal spell. Luckily There was no one else in or around the study. Ned seemed to think carefully before taking a shaken breath.
"There's something you need to know about Jon....He's not my son. He's my sisters son. His father was the the son of the mad king. He's the true heir to the iron throne." He waited for a reaction from the man across from him. There was none.
"We already knew that, and your reasoning behind him being seen as your bastard. But since you've trusted me enough with this secret I shall tell you ours. My daughter and I are not from this world. After the people in ours turned against her, we were given a seconds chance here. The deity who gave us this chance told Amaryllis she had a soulmate in Jon Snow. We've been searching for him for three years, before a merchant told us of him being here. In our old world beings born with magical power are common. Here we retained that magical energy, my daughter will be using that and potions to heal your son."
"Another world I find that hard to believe. Magic is easy but to be able to preform it." Ned was skeptical. All of a sudden the fire went out and then relit itself. "Alright I believe you. Do you have any plans to put Jon on the Iron thrown?"
"Not while King Robbert is alive, but after his death we will start to gather an army if he wants too. I won't force him to do it if he doesn't want too. Now I want to know if you noticed what I have about the kings so called children."
"What do you mean?" Was there something wrong with his friends children.
"So you haven't noticed it yet. They aren't his. Each one of them has blond hair. In my old world people have discovered almost everything there is to know about genetics, the traits that get passed down from parent to child, there's no way possible that a man with black hair sired three children with golden blond hair. I'm positive anyone else who has discovered this secret has been killed. I am sure that Bran saw the Queen and her lover, then whoever it was pushed your son off that tower. I am also positive they will try to send someone to kill him once it's known he will be alright. I want Lady Stark, Bran, Sansa, Arya and Rickon to leave with us. Everything will be provided for them, besides I'm sure Amaryllis will want to observe Bran for awhile. We need to leave soon. Talk it over with your wife." There was a knock on the door. Sirius opened the door and standing on the other side was Lady Stark. 
"I'm taking the kids to Braavos so Amaryllis can keep an eye on Brans recovery." She blurted out.
"Well I don't think you will need to talk to her now." Sirius chuckled. "We need to leave before the hour is up. We will be riding fast to avoid bandits and potential assassins. A carriage will be provided, food is ready to go we just need the ok and we will start loading up your family." Sirius left the two alone.

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