Chapter 14

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A couple of weeks later you decided to take a pregnancy test. You and Jungkook had been trying to get pregnant for a while now. Of course, you didn't want to get your hopes up but your period was late and you have been feeling nauseous so you decided to take one.

You stood in the bathroom and had just taken the pregnancy test and now you were waiting for the result to pop up on the small stick, Jungkook was standing right next to you waiting patiently. Jungkook must have been noticing your body tensing from nervousness so he went up behind you and back hugged you, caressing your stomach to calm you down. You put the stick down on the bathroom counter before resting your head against Jungkook's strong chest making him rest his head on top of yours. You turned your head upwards and locked eyes with Jungkook, he smiled his bunny smile and nodded to you. You took a deep breath, slowly turned the stick around and watched the result.


You didn't notice that you had been holding your breath the whole time but once you saw the results, you exhaled deeply from disappointment, feeling the air emptying your lungs. You looked up at Jungkook and you could see that he was disappointed too, he tried to hide it with one of his cute smiles but it still didn't reach his beautiful big doe eyes. You sighed and looked down at the stick again as tears build up in your eyes blurring your vision. Even if you knew that it would be negative you still felt sad because a part of you really wanted it to be positive.

- It's fine Y/N, maybe next time? Jungkook said stroking your cheek with the pad of his thumb.

- I don't think so Kook, I mean what's the point? The doctor said it was a really small chance for me to get pregnant. You said as salty tears rolled down your red cheeks.

- We can't lose hope, ok? There is still a chance even if it is small and we have to believe in the chance.

- Sorry, everything just feels so hopeless and it just hurts so much. You said burying your face in his chest as he wrapped his strong arms around you in a tight hug so you could breathe in his calming masculine scent

- I know but we have to keep fighting. He said and caressed my hair.

It was now Saturday and you, Jungkook and Y/D/N was invited to your parents house for dinner. Jungkook and you had both decided on not telling anyone about the whole thing until it had come to the point where you had to do IVF. It was not because you guys were embarrassed it was just because you guys didn't want everyone to ask questions all the time or to worry too much. The clock was currently 4 pm and you had to leave at 5 pm so you started to get ready. When you were done with your makeup you went into your closet to find something to wear it was a casual dinner so you just wore a pair of black jeans with a white tucked-in t-shirt. When you were done you dressed Y/D/N. She was wearing a with dress with yellow sunflowers on. Jungkook was wearing a black long sleeve shirt with black jeans.

He drove to your parent's house and parked outside at the driveway. At your parent's house you ate dinner and talked about some random stuff, just catching up on life.

- Do you guys remember when we first meet Jungkook? Your father asked laughing as he recalled the memory a few years ago.

- Yes, you were so mad, dad. If looks could kill, Jungkook would have been dead. You said smiling looking at Jungkook as he nervously scratched his neck.

- What can I say? He had gotten my little girl pregnant and you guys weren't even in a relationship or had ever met before. My dad said defending himself as he held up his hands.

- Not my proudest moment, but a moment that changed my life to the better and I meet the love of my life. Jungkook said and stared at me with loving eyes.

Pregnant After One Night Stand | BTS Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now