I want her ♥️

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In the office :

Ankith's pov:

I was infront of my new office ,i am now taking up one of my  dad's companies .I don't know that my dad's business was doing great progress in past 4years..but i never thought to take-up one of those branches.

I went near to  the elevator. but it's full and closed before i entered..I feel like i have seen a familiar face in the elevator before it closed..it looked like krithi.I might be halusinating her.I should get rid of her in my mind..

I went to my office..and it's totally not new for me .one of the receptionist took me to My cabin.I was quite nervous.but confident enough to handle everything. Soon after i settled down ,our head came to wish me and i and other board members had a meeting.it was really fun cause i don't know about anything but they are explaining the things to me.

Our lead told me that he will arrange everything for me.And he informed he would send me an employee who would guide me for few days .

I felt bored it's 2 in the afternoon.my stomach is growling..I don't want to disturb others so i went to look for cafeteria.I went there and ordered my food.it was crowded a bit so noisy ..but my ears were only hearing something..I could hear giggling and laughing i felt happy and turned to see who it is..

Everyone is walking around so i couldn't see who exactly is she..but i could see a girl wearing Peach colured  top ..her hair was going around as the wind blows.she tucked her strands.

Krithi...i said Is it real...i pinched myself..yes she is here..right infront me.She is smiling so hard she looked really beautiful and my heart is pounding heavily.

"Sir your order" i was interrupted .i took my food and change and looked for krithi but she is no where.May be i was dreaming since i missed her for 2 days.

I got bored and got up and decided to take a look at office.I  went to next floor.I was stopped in my senses when i saw krithi.Oh god it's real..she is working in our officeI mean we are gonna work in same office ...oh god thanks thankyou so muck i jumped around in joy.A broad smile appeared on my lips.

We are really made for each other so that's why you are giving me a chance to make every thing right ...thank you god.i blown a flying kiss to God.

i was so happy to see her.I wanted to meet her.but suddenly a man came behind her and started talking with her..She smiled at him.(my heart💘💘💘💘).

my favourite charming smile she is showing to him.I looked at him he was so familiar...This guy ..oh its the same guy from the wedding.

Oh no what the hell God ...why is he here.

I looked at his appearance.He was damn cool and his smile.I understood why the girls drooled over him in the wedding.

He moved closer to krithi and pointing something in the computer screen.There were other girls surrounded them but his eyes were glued on krithi.And krithi is looking at him and laughing  like an angel.

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