09. Vienna

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I sighed, closing my locker to find Riley's bobbing blonde ponytail beside me.

"That's great," I smiled, sarcasm dripping from my voice.

"I know!" She squealed, her tiny hands wrapping around my arm and squeezing tightly.

I yelped, whacking her hands off me and rubbing the sore spot she'd left behind. "I don't know why you're so excited, it's not like you're invited."

"She's right," William appeared next to me, his shaggy black waves falling over his eyes as he shrugged at Riley.

"Wow, thanks for your support guys," Riley snapped, narrowing her eyes at us.

We sent her a shrug and she sighed, crossing her arms. Her lips pursed for a few seconds before a wide grin broke out on her face once more.

"I've got it!" She shouted, suddenly bouncing up and down again. She spun to me with a newfound sense of vigour. "Isaac Hensick!"

I blinked, my cheeks already beginning to heat at the sound of his name. "What about him?"

"You're practically best friends with him now, he can get us invited to Arthur Andrews' party!"

I shook my head with a snort, "No way. I am not asking him. I don't think I'd even call us friends, much less 'practically best friends.'"

William raised his own hands up, stepping closer beside me. "And I am not going to some trashy party full of drunk teenagers."

"Oh, come on!" Riley whined, her eyes turning large as she pleaded. "Arthur Andrews will be there. And he's so –"

"Dreamy," William interrupted, rolling his eyes. "We know."

"That doesn't mean I'm asking Isaac, though."

"Aspen!" She whinged, her voice nasally and drawn out.

"Riley!" I mimicked, screwing my eyes up to mock her.

She pouted at me, crossing her arms over her chest before sending a look to William, as if begging him to help her.

I turned, rolling my eyes and walking down the hallway. Students had already cleared the halls, desperate to get home for the day or already late for their club meetings. I was desperate to crawl into the warmth of my bed and binge watch The Office for the twentieth time.

"Aspen," Riley spoke again, her voice suddenly deadly serious. "If you do this one thing for me, I will never ask you for anything again in my entire life."

William snorted at this, causing Riley to send him a glare.

"Riles, do you really want to go that bad?" I asked, turning to face her as I walked.

She nodded eagerly, her eyes bright with hope. "I have never wanted anything more in my life."

I sighed. Her puppy-like enthusiasm was incredibly hard to turn down.


She screamed, her squeal piercing my ear and echoing down the hall as she bounced on her toes, pulling me into a tight hug. I peeled her off of me with a chuckle.

"That doesn't mean he'll say yes, though."

"Oh, he will," Riley grinned, throwing an arm around William's shoulder who turned bright red in response.

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