Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

Xavier rose slowly to his feet as he took in the sight of Clarence, Franks, and an unfamiliar third man sitting on horseback looking down at him and Preston.

Xavier was angry at himself for allowing these men to sneak up on him. He'd been so lost in Preston that he'd lost all awareness of their surroundings—now Preston was in danger. Real danger. These weren't men who would be threatened by anything Xavier said or men he could simply punch around a bit and make them leave. These were men who dealt in death and drawing blood was all they knew.

"Damn, Xavier," Clarence spit a stream of tobacco onto the grass. "I figured that boy was someone special to you but I sure as hell didn't expect to ride up on this."

Xavier was aware of Preston getting to his feet behind him. "Well, hell, Clarence, I wasn't expecting company."

"You should be happy to see me," Franks stated with a chuckle. "After all, you've been lookin' for me a while."

Xavier crossed his arms over his chest, hoping Preston would have the good sense to remain behind him. "Your errand boy must not be real good at delivering messages. I told him I ain't got a bit of interest in collecting that bounty anymore."

"I ain't a goddamn errand boy," Clarence growled. "And I told you I don't give threats. I let you know Franks was looking for you."

"Yeah." Xavier nodded. "You did."

"I've always been a bit intimidated by you, Xavier." Franks admitted. "Had I known you take to lovin' on men in your spare time, I wouldn't have been."

A chuckle rumbled from Xavier's chest. "Are you jealous, Franks? I always figured you got your lovin' from Clarence."

Clarence let out an angry curse and his hand edged toward his gun. Franks sent him a sharp gaze. "Don't go pulling that gun yet, Clarence."

Clarence was still bristling as he moved his hand away and glared down at Xavier. Xavier turned his attention to Franks. "No one needs to pull any guns. Why don't you men just be on your way now?"

"You know that's not gonna happen," Franks insisted. "Anytime I can get rid of a bounty hunter, I'm gonna seize that opportunity."

Xavier knew he had to get Preston away from these men. He didn't want Preston being anywhere near when bullets started flying. "I understand," Xavier acknowledged. "But he ain't no bounty hunter." Xavier tipped his head toward Preston who was standing there looking pale and terrified.

Franks shrugged. "He can go. We'll follow you two to the campfire, he can hop on his horse, and he can ride away. Then we'll deal with you."

Xavier nodded. He grabbed Preston's arm and began to drag him back toward camp. "I'm not leaving you," Preston insisted. "They're gonna kill you!"

Xavier turned off his own emotions and remained silent until they reached the horses. He shoved Preston toward his mare. "Get your ass on that horse and out of here."

Preston's blue eyes were wide behind his glasses. ""

Xavier's jaw tightened. He did not want to watch Preston get shot. "Preston, goddammit, just do what I say. I stand a better chance against them if I ain't worried about you."

Preston's jaw trembled as a tear slid down his cheek. "But..."

Xavier shoved him again. "Get the hell out of here before they change their minds."

An Outlaw's Weakness*Fifth in Crane Gang series*Where stories live. Discover now