Chapter Eight

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A couple hours after Dave had so inconveniently pulled you away from Tom you were talking to Stella. You hadn't really had a moment to talk to Tom. Everyone suddenly wanted to talk to you or to Tom never allowing you to ask him what he had wanted to tell you. You told yourself that you were stressing over nothing. Maybe he just wanted to tell you that he planned on leaving as early as possible tomorrow or that he wanted to get something to drink. Something simple like that. Everything would be better than him telling you that he didn't want to see you when this was over.

When you felt two arms wrap around your waist you didn't have to look to know that it was Tom. He rested his head on your shoulder as you put your hands on top of his.

"You almost ready to go?" He asked and you leaned your head back against his shoulder turning to look at him.

"Yeah, I'm knackered." You originally wanted to stay longer, but you were already struggling to keep your eyes open. You didn't know why you were suddenly so tired. You had slept in this morning, longer than you wanted to and yeah, you've danced a lot today but nothing you weren't used to. When you go out with your friends you could stay up and dance until six in the morning. 

"C'mon then." Tom said softly and you two said goodbye to Stella before finding Kate and Daniel to wish them a lovely rest of the night.


Back in the room you quickly got ready for bed. Tom had told you earlier that he needed to do a live stream to promote something and you were fine with him doing that while he was sitting on the bed next to you. You were already snuggled into the blankets when

Tom started his live stream and you enjoyed listening to him while he talked to his fans. His voice was so soothing you could listen to it all day. You lay on your side as you watched him. The tired but enthusiastic smile on his face was so adorable you could throw up... no wait.

You actually needed to throw up.

In a rushed motion you push the blanket away from your body and sprinted into the bathroom. Your knees had just hit the floor in front of the toilet when everything you had consumed today made its way into the toilet bowl.

Tom was startled by your sudden dash to the bathroom and quickly followed you, putting his phone down on the desk next to the open bathroom door. He kneeled down next to you and made sure your hair was out of your face, keeping it in place with one of his hands the other rubbing soothing circles on your back.

"You're alright, love. I got you."

"Please, Tom. You don't have to see this. I'm gross." you said when you'd finally stopped throwing up. Tears were streaming down your face and you didn't dare to look up at Tom. This is so embarrassing. You didn't know why you needed to throw up all of a sudden. It wasn't like you had drowned yourself in alcohol, you only had a small amount to drink, not enough to get drunk.

"I've got three younger brothers, you think a little puke is going to gross me out?" He laughed lightly after flushing the toilet. "Do you think you can get up?" You nodded and Tom helped you up and led you to the sink so you could brush your teeth. You grabbed your toothbrush with shaky hands. You were freezing cold all of

a sudden. Tom noticed, rubbing his hand up and down your back to give you a bit of warmth.

"Wait here, I'm gonna get you something warm to wear." With that he went back into the room, returning a few moments later a black piece of clothing in his hands. "You liked it so much yesterday so I thought you might like to wear this." He held up the hoodie he had been wearing on your way here. You smiled at the gesture and reached your hands out for it but Tom made a sound of disapproval and held it out of your reach.

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