(23)- Issac?

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Dedicated to @nctheloveTY @ChristaleneAppiah @ItzKeddieboob @RenLennox @fatiusman and @mosorire for voting.


Marcello's POV

Walking back to the office, I groan, knowing I was going to be stuck in meetings all day. Work was a pain in the ass, going through documentation that needed to be signed and reviewed or hour-long meetings.

Glancing down my Rolex watch, I saw I had thirty minutes left before my next meeting with Mr. Alan, one of the company's investors who wanted to discuss the company's profit net.

He was a sweet older man in his late sixties who was very understanding and kind. He always tried to make the best out of situations and was an exceptional businessman and husband.

I relatively enjoyed talking to him as he had great ideas and brought tremendous virtue to the company. Many people don't know this, but I do care about others, I don't show it as much as I uphold a cold demeanor.

I walked inside of the building, passing the lobby where the elevators were located at the end side. I was about to step into the elevators when a tiny voice screamed my name.

"Mister!" My heart stopped hearing the small voice. I never thought I would see the day when I saw him again.

I knew it. I turn around to see Issac running towards me. The workers in the lobby stop and watch the social exchange between Issac and me. I gave them a quick glare, telling them to get back to work.

They vigorously look away like ants scurrying in fright and get back to it. My glare soon fades when I see Issac holding onto my leg. He toothlessly smiles up at me, his feet on my left shoe and hands on my thigh.

I couldn't have sworn he was shorter, but I brush it off. I returned the smile, picking him up in my arms.

"Hey, Issac." Issac giggles, not saying anything. He was hiding something, I was sure of it.

He said nothing, resting his head on my shoulder. You could tell he was tired, but he was happy as he stared back at me with shards of light in his aqua eyes.

"You tired, Bud?" I asked, as he said no. I gave him a questioning look. If he wasn't tired, then what was it?

"I'm hungry." He muttered as he closed his eyes. Immediately, I knew what he wanted.

"Chicken?" Issac lifts his head as he grins happily.

I laid Issac down on the couch in my office. My office was huge, as it should be.

I called Rebecca to get a blanket and food for Issac. I didn't have anything for him, so I just did the best next thing. I laid him a comfortable place to sit or sleep if he wanted to and gave him blank pieces of printer paper and pens to draw with. The last time we hung out, I remembered he loved coloring and drawing.

I was hoping he would like it because I didn't have anything other than that, and I certainly didn't have toys for him.

If I knew I would've bought him something, but for now I had to improvise.

"Thank you," Issac said happily, grabbing the pens and paper before giggling his usual laugh that made my heart clutch in awennes. Innocently, he started humming and drawing whatever his intelligent mind told him to do.

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