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We were immediately taken to our table and the waiter suddenly appeared. "Hello my name is Dane and I'll be your waiter tonight. Can I start you off with some drinks?" We'll take your finest wine." I answered for us all. He left for the kitchen. "So Isabella how do you feel about me marrying your mother?"

" Why does it matter what I think. It's not like my opinion matters to anyone." she said with her words full of venom. "That's not true I value your opinion very much." The waiter came back with a bottle of white wine and three wine glasses. He poured all of us a glass then left without the bottle. Before i could start talking again Isabella was on her third glass of wine. "You might want to slow down there Belle." she looked up at me and just glared. "Isabella! You know better than to be so disrespectful 'specially when he has been nothing but nice to you. "Jayne said. Isabella stood up and took the rest of the wine with her to the bathroom. "I'm sorry for how she's behaving." " No need to apologize, she just needs a little bit of time to adjust." The waiter came back to take our food orders. I ordered the steak and tortelini for all three of us. Isabella came back with an empty bottle of wine and her clothes out of place. I could tell she wasn't alone in the bathroom. " I know that it isn't normal for the step father to get his new daughter a gift before the wedding but here." I said before i gave her a 24 karat gold necklace with embedded diamond accents with a matching bracelet. " Your mother told me that you've wanted this ever since you saw it in "Kay" four months ago so I decided your mother wouldn't be the only one getting jewelry for this engagement because not only am I making a commitment to your mother but to you as well. And with that said Jayne will you marry me?" I reach into my jacket pocket to get the huge diamond ring waiting for her answer. By now the entire restaurant was staring at all of us. "Yes!" I looked back at Isabella " Do you accept me into your family?" She rolled her eyes left the restaurant. I can see that I'm not going to convince her anytime soon that I really do care about her. Maybe a little bit more than I should. I think I'm falling I love with my soon to be step daughter.

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